======Links====== [[http://www.openssh.org/|OpenSSH]] \\ [[http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/|OpenSSH for windows]] (client en server, laatste release in 2004) \\ [[http://sshwindows.webheat.co.uk/|OpenSSH for Windows]] (client en server, recent bijgewerkt) \\ [[http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html|Dropbear ]] is a relatively small SSH 2 server and client. It runs on a variety of POSIX-based platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a [[http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php|MIT-style]] license. Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers. \\ =====Clients===== [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/|PuTTY]] telnet en ssh client. \\ [[http://www.xs4all.nl/~whaa/putty/index.html|PuTTY Tray]] \\ [[http://home.planet.nl/~ruurdb/IVT.HTM|IVT: Telnet/Ssh VT220 emulator]] ssh ondersteuning zit in de betaalde variant. \\ =====Servers===== [[http://www.freesshd.com/|freeSSHd]] \\