======Links====== [[http://kb.surfcontrol.com/display/1n/kb/article.asp?aid=1964|How to Create a New STEMLog Database Using STEMlog.bat]] \\ [[http://kb.surfcontrol.com/display/1n/kb/article.asp?aid=1492|How to Create a New STEMLog Database Using E-mail Filter's Database Tools]] \\ [[http://kb.surfcontrol.com/display/1n/kb/article.asp?aid=1578|How to Move SurfControl E-mail Filter to a New Server]] \\ [[http://kb.surfcontrol.com/display/1n/kb/article.asp?aid=1560|Recommended E-mail Filter Database Maintenance]] \\ ======Web Filter====== =====Internet Threat Database===== The Category List is stored in an encrypted, size optimized Auro file called SurfControl Categories.csf. Incremental updates (up to 60 MB) are stored in an encrypted file called SurfControl Categories.cdb. With SurfControl, you can recategorize sites; these updates are managed by the SurfControl Manual Categories.cdb file. SurfControl checks the categorization files in the following order: - Manually-categorized (includes VCA, managed by the SurfControl Manual Categories.cdb file) - Incremental updates (SurfControl Categories.cdb) - Category List (SurfControl Categories.csf) Bron:[[http://downloads.surfcontrol.com/business/web/ciscoce/scwf_cisco_installguide.pdf|SurfControl Web Filter for Cisco CE Installation Guide]] \\ Met de hand deze lijst overschrijven/vervangen door een nieuwe versie kan, maar dan is het niet voldoende om de SurfControl Web Filter service te herstarten. Meegemaakt dat de hele server dan herstart moet worden om het filteren met de bijgewerkte Category List te laten werken. YMMV.\\