======Links====== [[http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/|md5deep and hashdeep]] md5deep is a set of programs to compute MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests on an arbitrary number of files. hashdeep is a program to compute, match, and audit hashsets. [[http://rehash.sourceforge.net/|ReHash]] A Free Console-Based Hash Calculator. It supports many algorithms, for example Adler32, CRC-16, CRC-16-CCITT, CRC-16-XMODEM, CRC-32, ELF-32, FCS-16, FCS-32, FNV-32, FNV-64, GHash-32-3, GHash-32-5, GOST-Hash, HAVAL (3/4/5, 256), MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Size64, Tiger, XUM32. For a full list see the ReHash documentation manual (included in downloadable package). [[http://www.keir.net/hash.html|Hash]] is a small GUI tool designed to perform MD5, SHA1and CRC32 hashing functions on a number of files.