======Applications - Silent Install - Prezi Desktop====== // Tested with Prezi Desktop version and WiX 3.11 RC. // - Download the last PreziDesktop_////.exe from [[https://prezi.com/desktop/|Prezi Desktop]]. - Download the last wix////-binaries.zip from [[http://wixtoolset.org/|WiX Toolset]]. - Extract the WiX zip file. - Open a command prompt in the extraced WiX directory. - Use dark.exe on the PreziDesktop_version.exe:dark.exe -x ExtractDir PreziDesktop_version.exe - // This will extract the .exe to the directory ExtractDir. // - // You will find the MSI inExtractDir\AttachedContainer. // - Make sure the correct version of the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Redistributable is already installed. - // The correct version is also in ExtractDir\AttachedContainer. // - Make sure the correct version of the .NET Framework is already installed. - // The correct version can be obtained by extracting PreziDesktop_version.exe with://PreziDesktop_version.exe -layout - // This will extract the .NET Framework installer to the "redist" directory. // - Install the MSI with something like:"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i PreziDesktop.msi /qb! /norestart /L* c:\install\prezi_desktop-install.txt - // This will install the MSI //: - // Silently with display of progress (/qb). // - // Without option to cancel (!). // - // Without restart (/norestart). // - // Log the installation messages to prezi_dekstop-install.txt (/L* c:\install\prezi_desktop-install.txt). // Sources: * [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26749207/extract-contents-of-burn-bootstrapper|Stack Overflow - Extract contents of burn bootstrapper]] * [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8889383/unpack-wix-burn-bundle|Stack Overflow - Unpack WIX Burn bundle]]