======Version control systems===== =====Free===== ====CVS==== [[http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/CVSNT|CVSNT]] \\ [[http://www.tortoisecvs.org/|TortoiseCVS]] \\ [[http://www.opencvs.org/|OpenCVS]] \\ [[http://www.devguy.com/fp/cfgmgmt/cvs/cvs_admin_nt.htm|CVSNT Installation for Windows]] \\ [[http://www.infodrom.org/Infodrom/tools/cvs-mailcommit.html|cvs-mailcommit]] is a helper application to CVS to help people keep track of CVS repositories via mail. It is hooked into the CVS system via the CVSROOT/loginfo file. It will read modification information from CVS via stdin and require version information via the commandline. \\ ====Subversion==== [[http://subversion.apache.org/|Subversion]] \\ [[http://tortoisesvn.net/|TortoiseSVN]] \\ [[http://ankhsvn.open.collab.net/|AnkhSVN]] is a Subversion Source Control Provider for Microsoft Visual Studio [[http://www.collab.net/community/subversion/articles/SvnQuickReferenceCard.html|Subversion 1.6 Quick Reference Card]] \\ [[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/|Version Control with Subversion]] free (e)book. \\ ====Bazaar==== [[http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/|Bazaar]] is a distributed version control system that Just Works. While other systems require you to adapt to their model of working, Bazaar adapts to the way you want to work, and you can try it out in five minutes. \\ ====Mercurial==== [[http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/|Mercurial]] a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. \\ [[http://bitbucket.org/tortoisehg/stable/wiki/Home|tortoisehg/stable]] GUI management tools.\\ [[http://mercurial.berkwood.com/|Mercurial binary packages for Windows and Mac OS X]] \\ ====Git==== [[http://git-scm.com/|Git]] \\ [[https://steveko.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/10-things-i-hate-about-git/|Steve Bennett Blogs - 10 things I hate about Git]] \\ ====Fossil==== [[http://fossil-scm.org/|Fossil]] \\ [[http://chiselapp.com/|Chisel]] Fossil SCM Hosting. [[http://chiselapp.com/repositories/|Chisel - All public repositories]] \\ [[http://repository.mobile-developers.de/cgi-bin/ikoch/sharpfossil/home|SharpFossil]] - Fossil Windows GUI and C# Library \\ [[http://www.fossil-scm.org/schimpf-book/index|Fossil User Manual]] \\