======Applications - VNC====== [[http://faq.gotomyvnc.com/cgi-bin/fom?_recurse=1&file=113|List of Known VNC Flavors]] \\ [[http://www.geocities.com/tim_senecal/vnc.html|VNC viewer voor PPC en 68k mac]] \\ [[http://www.tightvnc.com/|TightVNC]] \\ [[http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/|UltraVNC]] \\ [[http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/addons/singleclick.html|UltraVNC SC (SingleClick)]] \\ [[https://miknet.net/software/mikrfb/|MikRFB]] is a web-based RFB (aka VNC) client. It allows you to control a machine remotely from your web browser. No java plugin required, just a modern web browser. \\ [[http://fredrik.hubbe.net/x2vnc.html|x2vnc]] will let you use two screens on two different computers as if they were connected to the same computer. Even if one of the computers runs Windows 95/98/NT and the other one runs X-windows. If they are both running Windows, you probably want to use [[http://fredrik.hubbe.net/win2vnc.html|Win2VNC]] instead.