=====Games - Doom===== [[http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Entryway|Wikia - Doom Wiki]] \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/|Doomworld]] \\ [[http://drdteam.org/|DRD Team]] \\ [[http://armory.drdteam.org/index.php|WildWeasel's Doom Armory]] \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/sir_robin/castle/index2.html|Sir Robins DooM Castle]] \\ [[http://www.rome.ro/lee_killough/|Lee Killough's Doom pages]] \\ [[http://www.classicdoom.com/|Classic DOOM]] Walkthroughs and guides, level maps, version comparisons, passwords, site and forum links and more for console and PC Classic Doom games. \\ [[http://www.realm667.com/|Realm667]] \\ [[https://teamhellspawn.com/|Team Hellspawn]] Classic Doom wads, voxels, and other resources. \\ **[[http://www.gamers.org/doomgate/|DoomGate]]:** \\ [[http://doomgate.gamers.org/dhs/|Doom Help Service (DHS)]] \\ [[http://doomgate.gamers.org/games/doom/|Doomgate - Doom]]\\ [[http://www.gamers.org/~williams/|The All-Time Best Doom Levels]] \\ [[http://doom.ocremix.org/|The Dark Side of Phobos]] DooM Remix Project \\ [[https://drl.chaosforge.org/|DRL (D**m, the Roguelike)]] is a fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game, that is heavily inspired by the popular FPS game Doom by ID Software. [[https://www.classicdoom.com/|Classic DOOM . com]] Walkthroughs and guides, level maps, version comparisons, passwords, site and forum links and more for console and PC Classic Doom games. \\ [[https://www.classicdoom.com/doomcomp.htm|Comparison of classic Doom games]] This document provides information on various Classic Doom, Ultimate Doom and Doom II games, and compares the game-console and handheld versions to the original PC editions, and to each other. \\ [[https://doomshack.org/|Doomshack.org]] \\ [[https://doomshack.org/olddoomsites.html|Doomshack.org - archive of old Doom sites]] \\ [[https://doomshack.org/doomsites.html|Doomshack.org - Doom sites]] \\ =====Videos===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBU34NZhW7I|YouTube - DOOM’s Development: A Year of Madness]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSD0dLRGQk_T-D3RvpM5aFQ|WeAreDevelopers]]. \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYMZsMMlubg|YouTube - Why Doom is Awesome: Binary Space Partitioning]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/c/ShreddedNerd|ShreddedNerd]]. \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqP3ZzWiul0|YouTube - A closer look at the Super NES DOOM Source Code Release | MVG]] on 2020-07-20, by [[https://www.youtube.com/@ModernVintageGamer|Modern Vintage Gamer]]. \\ =====Doom 64===== [[https://doom64ex.wordpress.com/|Doom64 EX - A recreation of a N64 classic]] \\ [[http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom-64|Mod DB - Brutal Doom 64]] \\ [[https://github.com/atsb/Doom64EX-Plus|GitHub - atsb/Doom64EX-Plus]] An improved modern version of Doom64EX. [[https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-64/downloads/|Moddb - Doom 64 - Downloads]] for EX+ versions of PWADs. \\ =pr =====Engines====== [[http://www.zdoom.org/|ZDoom]] for ZDoom and GZDoom.\\ [[http://www.skulltag.com/|Skulltag]] Discontinued. \\ [[http://zandronum.com/|Zandronum]] is a client-server multiplayer-oriented source port based on Skulltag. It was forked from its parent project on June 3, 2012, continuing the development of the latest Skulltag 98e. \\ [[https://github.com/IgeNiaI/Q-Zandronum|GitHub - IgeNiaI/Q-Zandronum]] A Zandronum 3.0 fork with improved netcode, configurable movement and many small tweaks. \\ [[https://github.com/ptitSeb/zandronum|GitHub - ptitSeb/zandronum]] Zandronum, with ARM support. Status: working. \\ [[https://github.com/doomjoshuaboy/zandronum-arm|GitHub - doomjoshuaboy/zandronum-arm]] Zandronum, with ARM support. Status: Testing Needed. \\ [[http://www.zdaemon.org/|ZDaemon]] online multiplayer Doom. \\ [[http://edge.sourceforge.net/|EDGE]] discontinued. \\ [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/edge2/|hyper3DGE]] based on EDGE. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/delphidoom/|DelphiDoom]], [[https://github.com/jval1972/DelphiDoom|GitHub - DelphiDoom]]. \\ [[http://prboom.sourceforge.net/|PrBoom]] \\ [[http://prboom-plus.sourceforge.net/|PrBoom+]] zie ook [[http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=148658|hier]] voor Doom+ en Doom2+. \\ [[https://github.com/sultim-t/prboom-plus-rt|GitHub - sultim-t/prboom-plus-rt]] Doom Ray Traced. \\ [[https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom|GitHub - kraflab/dsda-doom]] a fork of prboom+ with extra tooling for demo recording and playback, with a focus on speedrunning. \\ [[http://www.doomsdayhq.com/|Doomsday]], [[http://dengine.net/|Doomsday Engine]] \\ [[http://doomlegacy.sourceforge.net/|Doom Legacy]] \\ [[http://www.vavoom-engine.com/|Vavoom]], [[https://github.com/janisl/vavoom|GitHub - janisl/vavoom]]. \\ [[http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Chocolate_Doom|Chocolate Doom]] is a Doom source port which aims to reproduce the behavior of Vanilla Doom as closely as possible. [[http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Command_line_arguments|Command line arguments]] \\ [[https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom|GitHub - fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom]] Crispy Doom is a limit-removing enhanced-resolution Doom source port based on Chocolate Doom. \\ [[http://odamex.net/|Odamex]] multi-platform op multiplayer gerichte Doom port. [[https://github.com/odamex/odamex|GitHub - odamex/odamex]]\\ [[http://www.soulsphere.org/projects/smmu/|SMMU]] \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/remood/|ReMood]] gebaseerd op Doom Legacy. \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/doom4win/|Windoom]] \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/eternity/etcengine.html|The Eternity Engine]], newer versions available at [[http://eternity.mancubus.net/]]. See also: [[https://github.com/team-eternity/eternity|GitHub - team-eternity/eternity]]. \\ [[https://github.com/atsb/glDoom|GitHub - atsb/glDoom]] 'that' source port from the 90's, resurrected and loved! \\ [[https://gldoom.sourceforge.net/|glDoom]]. See also: [[https://doomwiki.org/wiki/GlDoom|The Doom Wiki - glDoom]]\\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/sprinkled-doom/|Sprinkled Doom]] is a fork of the latest Chocolate Doom with an emphasis on slight modernisation, allowing for Widescreen and enhancements such as Always Gibbing enemies. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/pooch/|Pooch]] is an extremely conservative MBF port to SDL2. It is identical to DOS MBF. [[https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Pooch|DoomWiki.org - Pooch]] \\ [[https://github.com/Wolf3s/W3SDOOM|GitHub - Wolf3s/W3SDOOM]] s the continuation of pooch that it has some many several bugfixes. \\ [[https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof|GitHub - fabiangreffrath/woof]] Woof! is a continuation of Lee Killough's Doom source port MBF targeted at modern systems. [[https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Woof!|DoomWiki.org - Woof!]] \\ [[https://github.com/doomtech/winmbf|GitHub - doomtech/winmbf]] WinMBF is a Doom source port project by Team Eternity. It is a direct port of the MBF port by Lee Killough to operating systems that support the SDL library. It removes the original low-level system code and replaces it with a modification of the code used by the Eternity Engine. [[https://doomwiki.org/wiki/WinMBF|DoomWiki.org - WinMBF]] \\ [[https://github.com/team-eternity/WinMBF|GitHub - team-eternity/WinMBF]] Port of Lee Killough's MBF DOOM source port to SDL-supporting platforms. \\ [[https://www.doomworld.com/doomgl/doomgl.htm|DoomGL]] \\ [[http://www.s2.org/ntdoom/|NTDOOM]] is a port of id Software's best-selling game DOOM to Win32 systems, targetted mainly at WinNT 4. It is based on the original DOOM source code (doomsrc.zip), and originally ported to WinNT by Petteri Kangaslampi. The current version also includes modifications from other DOOM ports. \\ [[https://www.doomretro.com/|DOOM Retro]] The classic, refined DOOM source port. For Windows PC. See also: [[https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro|GitHub - bradharding/doomretro]]. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/doom-dos-ports/|SourceForge - Doom DOS Ports]] by atsb. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/rzdoom/|SourceForge - RZDoom]] is a fork of ZDoom 2.8.1 with the goal of continuing the development of classic Zdoom but with an emphasis on Performance, Quality, Stability, Maintainability and Correctness. By atsb. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/reboom/|SourceForge - ReBOOM]]is a direct port of BOOM 2.02 to SDL2 aiming to be as close to the original as possible while adding Quality of Life features to it, such as always on stats. By atsb. \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/sprinkled-doom/|SourceForge - Sprinkled Doom]] is a fork of the latest Chocolate Doom with an emphasis on slight modernisation, allowing for Widescreen and enhancements such as Always Gibbing enemies. By atsb. \\ [[https://github.com/doomtech|GitHub - doomtech]] repository copies of several Doom engines. **Windows Mobile** \\ [[http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Games/Action/Cell-Doom-14139.shtml|Cell Doom]] (Softpedia Download) \\ [[http://kokak.free.fr/DoomGLES.htm|DoomGLES for PocketPC]] \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/10years/ports/|Doomworld - A Slightly Condensed Genealogy of DOOM Source Ports]] [[http://fabiensanglard.net/doomIphone/doomClassicRenderer.php|Fabien Sanglard's non-blog - Doom engine code review]] \\ ====Odamex==== Master Servers * Primary - master1.odamex.net, udp/15000 * Secondary - master2.odamex.net, udp/15000 Source:[[http://odamex.net/wiki/Master|OdaWiki - Master]] \\ Default server port: * udp/10666 Source:[[http://odamex.net/wiki/How_to_run_a_server|OdaWiki - How to run a server]] \\ ===Tools=== [[https://github.com/tm512/odactl|GitHub - tm512/odactl]] Server controller for the Odamex doom source port. \\ =====Mods===== [[http://waltersgameboy.tripod.com/simpdoom/|The Ultimate Simpsons Doom]] vereist ZDoom. \\ [[http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/|Brütal Doom]] takes Doom into a whole new level. It makes the game much more violent than before. There's much more blood, plus it adds unique gibs, death animations, dismemberments, headshots, executions, fire and explosion particles, flares, shadows over all objects, and much more. \\ [[https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/108725-doom-4-vanilla-v32/|Doomworld - DOOM 4 VANILLA v3.2]] Doom 2016 on the vanilla Doom2 engine. \\ [[https://www.thegamer.com/doom-best-mods-wads/|TheGamer - Doom: 10 Mods You Didn't Know You Needed Until Now]] ====Zandronum Mods==== [[https://github.com/Doruk-Aksoy/DnD|GitHub - Doruk-Aksoy/DnD]] Repository for the RPG Doom mod Death and Decay. \\ =====Total Conversions===== [[http://www.doomworld.com/gbd2/index2.htm|GhostBusters DooM2]] \\ [[http://numerometria.com/blood.htm|ZBlood]]: The Blood TC for ZDoom \\ [[http://www.drnostromo.com/hacx/|Hacx]] \\ [[http://rabotik.nl/harmony.htm|Harmony]] \\ [[http://www.moddb.com/mods/goldeneye-doom2|GoldenEye Doom2]] \\ =====Maps===== [[http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/|Doomworld /idgames database]] \\ [[http://www.doomwadstation.net/|Doom Wad Station]] \\ [[http://www.doomworld.com/10years/bestwads/|The Top 100 WADs Of All Time]] \\ [[http://www.wadsinprogress.info/|WADs In Progress]] bevat screenshots van WADs waar aan gewerkt word.\\ [[http://freedoom.github.io/|Freedoom]] a complete free content game based on the Doom engine. \\ [[http://www.geocities.com/whispersofsatan/|Whispers of Satan]] is a 32 level megawad for Doom 2 which requires a Boom Compatible source port to play. We started this project late in 2006 and aim to get it finished sometime in 2008. \\ [[http://www.doom2.net/~erik/|Erik Alm's Page of Doom]] auteur van Scythe en Scythe2 en de Europa serie. \\ [[http://www.visionsofdoom.us/|No Rest for the Living]] \\ [[http://mrelusive.com/oldprojects/abyss/abyss.html|DOOM The Abyss]] is an add-on for DOOM II with 24 new levels. This addon was first publicly released September 1995. \\ =====Tools/Utilities===== [[http://www.doomworld.com/slige/|SLIGE]] Doom level generator. Also look [[http://wondersmith.com/rants/slige.htm|here]]. [[http://www.soulsphere.org/hacks/slige/|Automatic SLIGE megawad!]] Every day, this automatically generates a totally new 32-level Doom megawad using the random level generator SLIGE. [[http://oblige.sourceforge.net/|OBLIGE]] is a random level generator for various classic games, including DOOM, DOOM II, and Heretic. The goal is to produce high quality levels which are fun to play. [[http://wondersmith.com/coop/oblige.htm|Review]]. Modified version:[[http://samiam.org/slump/|ObHack]] \\ [[https://obsidian-level-maker.github.io/|OBSIDIAN]] A community continuation of the OBLIGE Level Maker, originally by Andrew Apted, combined with ObAddon. See also: [[https://github.com/obsidian-level-maker/Obsidian|GitHub - obsidian-level-maker/Obsidian]]. \\ [[http://doomseeker.drdteam.org/|Doomseeker]] is a cross-platform server browser for Doom. The goal of Doomseeker is to provide a smooth, consistant experience for Doom players regardless of port or platform. Doomseeker provides support for Chocolate Doom, Odamex, Vavoom, and Zandronum. With its plugin system support for even more can be added. ====Map editors==== [[http://eureka-editor.sourceforge.net/|Eureka]] is a cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games. The supported operating systems are Linux (and other Unix-likes), Windows and MacOS X. \\ [[http://mrousseau.org/programs/ZenNode/|ZenNode]] A text-mode BSP builder for DOOM WAD files. ZenNode will rebuild the BSP, REJECT map, and BLOCKMAP structures of a WAD file. [[http://drsleep.newdoom.com/nodes.shtml|Dr Sleep's DOOM Apothecary - List of Nodes and Reject Builders]] \\