======Games - First Person Shooters - Star Wars: Dark Forces====== [[http://www.df-21.net/|DF-21 - The Dark Forces Community]] \\ The [[http://xlengine.com/|XL Engine]] allows you to play several classic games with modern technology. Support is in varying states at the moment but include or will soon include: DarkXL (Dark Forces), DaggerXL (Daggerfall) and soon OutlawsXL (Outlaws) and BloodXL (Blood). Old sites: [[http://darkxl.wordpress.com/|DarkXL]] GPU Accelerated Dark Forces Extended, [[http://www.darkxl.df-21.net/|DarkXL]]. \\ [[http://aminet.net/package/game/shoot/tfe-darkforces|aminet - Dark Forces Amiga Port]] \\