======Games - Serious Sam - Miscellaneous====== =====Videos===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFUwx8zLKfE|YouTube - Serious Sam TFE: RAY TRACED - Release Trailer]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/@sultim_t5549|sultim_t]]. \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y9bo3xMuOk|YouTube - Serious Sam Gets A Fully Ray Traced Upgrade! Graphics Comparison, Performance + More]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/@DigitalFoundry|Digital Foundry]]. \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSv008sROb4|YouTube - Serious Sam 4's Incredible Fan-Made Remaster]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/@FrameRater|FrameRater]]. \\ =====Fan sites===== [[https://www.seriouszone.com/|Seriously!]] (only file archive, rest is on Discord). \\ =====Engine mods===== [[https://github.com/Croteam-official/Serious-Engine|GitHub - Croteam-official/Serious-Engine]] official open-source GPL-2.0 licensed release of Serious game engine. [[https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine|GitHub - icculus/Serious-Engine]] \\ [[https://github.com/ptitSeb/Serious-Engine|GitHub - ptitSeb/Serious-Engine]] A port to the OpenPandora (and working fine on plain Linux) of the open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games. Status: Working (for both FE and SE). \\ [[https://github.com/brynet/Serious-Engine|GitHub - brynet/Serious-Engine]] A port to [[https://www.openbsd.org/|OpenBSD]] of the open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games. \\ [[https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic|GitHub - tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic]] Open source game engine version developed by Croteam for Serious Sam Classic (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS). Based on [[https://github.com/Croteam-official/Serious-Engine|GitHub - Croteam-official/Serious-Engine]] and linux port [[https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine|GitHub - icculus/Serious-Engine]]. \\ [[https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK|GitHub - tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK]] Open source game engine version developed by Croteam for Serious Sam Classic with Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS). Based on [[https://github.com/sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk|GitHub - sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk]] and linux port [[https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine|GitHub - icculus/Serious-Engine]]. \\ [[https://github.com/sultim-t/Serious-Engine-RT|GitHub - sultim-t/Serious-Engine-RT]] Serious Engine: Ray Traced. Real-time path tracing support for Serious Engine 1.10. \\ [[https://github.com/tx00100xt|GitHub - tx00100xt]] also has several Serious Sam: The First Encounter, and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter mods.