======Games - System Shock 2====== [[wp>System_Shock_2|System Shock 2 at Wikipedia]] \\ [[https://www.systemshock.org|SystemShock.org]] \\ =====Patches===== [[http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140085|Unofficial 2.4 patch]] \\ Version 2.43 (latest): \\ [[https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4128.0|Systemshock.org » File Archives » SS2 General » Topic: NewDark original releases: SS2 and Thief2]] \\ [[http://ariane4ever.free.fr/ariane4ever/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4287|Ariane4ever - [Patchs] Thief 2 v1.21 et System Shock 2 v2.42 - NewDark]] French forum, home of the original release of 2.4(3).\\ =====Mods===== [[http://www.moddb.com/games/system-shock-2|Mod DB - System Shock 2]] \\ [[http://www.moddb.com/mods/system-shock-rebirthhigh-poly-pack|Mod DB - System Shock Rebirth (high poly pack)]] updated version at [[https://www.systemshock.org/|SystemShock.org]] \\ [[http://www.moddb.com/mods/shtup-system-shock-2-texture-upgrade|Mod DB - SHTUP]] (System Shock 2 Texture Upgrade Project) is a mod for System Shock 2 which aims to increase the resolution of all the common (and quite a few of the not-so-common) object textures. A secondary objective of the mod is to correct all other graphical glitches, such as typos, continuity errors, texture alignment errors, and so on. All of this is to be done while sticking as closely as possible to the original art style. Simply put, our goal is to make SS2 look like a higher-res version of itself. Updated version at [[https://www.systemshock.org/|SystemShock.org]] \\ =====Other===== [[https://github.com/volca02/openDarkEngine/|OpenDarkEngine (OPDE)]] was created as an effort to build a multiplatform engine supporting the LookingGlass'es data files from the original DarkEngine games. So far, a basic display of the levels work.\\ =====Homage / Tribute===== [[http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135284|Polycount Forum - [CE3] System Shock 2 Homage]] by [[http://mrsmo3d.com/|Simon Pennington]] featured on [[http://kotaku.com/an-artist-is-faithfully-recreating-system-shock-2s-grea-1583254356|Kotaku]] and [[http://www.pcgamer.com/system-shock-2-modder-reveals-screens-from-gorgeous-cutscene-remake/|PC Gamer]]. [[http://conejoblanco.deviantart.com/art/Nurse-Erin-Bloome-System-Shock-2-Tribute-292876805|DeviantArt - Nurse Erin Bloome - System Shock 2 Tributeby ConejoBlanco]] \\ [[http://feel-the-shock.deviantart.com/|DeviantArt Group - Feel-The-Shock]]