======Hardware - 3dfx - Links====== [[https://www.3dfxzone.it/|3dfxzone.it - your source for 3dfx and games]] [[wp>Glide_API]] \\ [[http://glide.sourceforge.net/|Glide Open Source Project]] \\ [[http://alasir.com/software/glide/|Alasir Enterprises - 3Dfx Glide for UNIX]] \\ [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/openglide/|OpenGLide]] is a Glide to OpenGL wrapper. It emulates a Voodoo board so you can run old Windows Glide games by translating Glide calls into OpenGL. \\ [[http://psvoodoo.sourceforge.net/|psVoodoo]] is a glide wrapper. It allows Glide-based games to run via DirectX. \\ [[http://macglide.sourceforge.net/|MacGLide]] is a shared library for Apple Macintosh computers that emulates 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics hardware. It makes it possible to run games originally made for 3Dfx/Glide without the hardware by translating Glide-function calls to OpenGL. \\ [[http://www.zeus-software.com/downloads/nglide|nGlide]] is a 3Dfx Voodoo Glide wrapper. It allows you to play games designed for 3Dfx Glide API without the need for having 3Dfx Voodoo graphics card. All three API versions are supported, Glide 2.1 (glide.dll), Glide 2.4 (glide2x.dll) and Glide 3.0 (glide3x.dll). nGlide translates all Glide calls to Direct3D. Glide wrapper also supports high resolution modes. (Has releases in 2016.)\\ [[http://dege.freeweb.hu/|dgVoodoo 2]] is a wrapper to DirectX 11 for old graphics API's for Windows Vista/7/8/10. The API's it currently can wrap are: Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 and Glide 3.1 Napalm, DirectX 1-7 (all versions of DirectDraw and Direct3D up to version 7), Direct3D 8.1. \\ [[http://www.falconfly.de/|FalconFly Central]] home of the 3dfx Archive. Dead. Use [[https://3dfxarchive.com/|3dfx Archive]] instead. \\ [[http://www.falconfly.de/reference.htm|FalconFly - 3dfx Technical Reference]] \\ [[http://www.si-gamer.net/gulikoza/glide.html|gulikoza's page - DOSBox Glide compatibility]] \\ [[https://3dfx-banshee.de|Tweakstone's Banshee Asylum]] the ultimate ressource for 3dfx Banshee cards! [[https://www.3dfxzone.it/enboard/index.php?topic=36175|3dfxzone.it - Driver "development" with modern aspect ratios]] =====Articles/Blogposts===== [[https://tweakers.net/geek/178346/modder-bouwt-remake-van-nooit-uitgebrachte-3dfx-voodoo-5-6000-videokaart.html|tweakers.net - Modder bouwt remake van nooit uitgebrachte 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000-videokaart]] \\ [[https://overclock3d.net/news/gpu-displays/3dfx-fan-reverse-engineers-the-legendary-voodoo-5-6000-gpu-and-builds-a-revamped-model/|OC3D - 3dfx fan reverse-engineers the legendary Voodoo 5 6000 GPU and builds a revamped model]] \\ [[https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=85416|VOGONS - The Changeling 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500]] \\ =====Videos===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D7yOTPGE6s|YouTube - Voodoo On Dos, Command line hardware acceleration]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Ee7qQWiSZDcdTnXB6fBfw|GouldFish On Games]]. \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aMiEszQBik|YouTube - Back from the Dead: 3dfx's Unreleased Voodoo5 6000 Quad-GPU Card]] on 2023-04-08, by [[https://www.youtube.com/@GamersNexus|Gamers Nexus]]. \\