======Hardware - Processors - ARM - Raspberry Pi====== [[http://www.raspberrypi.org|Raspberry Pi]] [[http://pibrella.com/|Pibrella]] an easy way to play with electronics on your Raspberry Pi. \\ [[https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/master/boot|GitHub - raspberrypi/firmware/boot]] Boot Firmware files. \\ [[http://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/|NetBSD/evbarm on Raspberry Pi]] \\ [[http://rpitc.blogspot.nl/|Raspberry Pi Thin Client project]] \\ =====Blogposts / Articles===== [[http://bendyworks.com/geekville/lab_projects/2012/11/getting-plan-9-running-on-the-raspberry-pi|The Bendyworks Blog - Getting Plan 9 running on the Raspberry Pi]] \\ [[http://blog.ittoby.com/2013/05/using-raspberry-pi-as-thin-client-for.html|itToby - Using a Raspberry Pi as a Thin Client for RDP/RemoteFX/VMWare View or Citrix]] \\ =====Programming===== [[http://wiringpi.com/|WiringPi]] is a GPIO access library written in C for the BCM2835 used in the Raspberry Pi. It’s released under the GNU LGPLv3 license and is usable from C and C++ and many other languages with suitable wrappers. \\ [[http://pi4j.com/|Pi4J]] a friendly object-oriented I/O API and implementation libraries for Java Programmers to access the full I/O capabilities of the Raspberry Pi platform. =====Audio Streaming===== [[https://moodeaudio.org/|moOde]] audio player \\ [[http://www.runeaudio.com|Runeaudio]] 2022-06-05: Seems to be dead. Try [[https://github.com/rern/rAudio-1|GitHub - rern/rAudio-1]] \\ [[https://www.max2play.com/en/|Max2Play]] \\ [[https://www.picoreplayer.org/|piCorePlayer]] \\ [[https://volumio.org/|Volumio]] \\ [[https://www.reddit.com/r/volumio/comments/qors0t/volumio_alternatives/|reddit - Volumio alternatives?]] =====Notes===== ====Get HiFiBerry DAC RCA+ Pro working on RPi3 with RuneAudio==== // Tested to work with RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB.img. // - Attach the HiFiBerry DAC RCA+ Pro to the Raspberry Pi 3. - dd RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20160321_2GB.img to the SD card. - Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi 3. - Boot the Raspberry Pi 3. - SSH into the Raspberry Pi 3. // Default username/password: root/rune // - Open /boot/config.txt in vi and remove the # from the line: #dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus - Reboot the Raspberry Pi 3 via the Runeaudio web interface or with 'reboot' on the SSH prompt. - Open the Runeaudio web interface. - Go to Menu -> MPD. - In the pull-down menu at Audio output interface "HiFiBerryDAC+ (I2S)" should now be selectable, select it. - Set Volume control to "enabled - hardware". - Click on "Save and Apply". - It should now be possible to play audio via the HiFiBerry DAC RCA+ Pro.