======Links - Movies====== [[http://www.xenobi.com/blue/|Blue - A Short Film]] De torrent link vanaf deze site lijkt niet goed te werken. Zie [[http://geektechnique.org/olderstuff/477|geek technique - Blue - A Short Film]] voor een werkende torrentlink. zie [[http://area.autodesk.com/inhouse/bts/blue_a_short_film|The Area - Behind the Screenz - Blue: A Short Film]] voor een interview met [[http://www.xenobi.com/Mullins/|Christopher Mullins]] en Aaron Webster, samen met James Anderson (audio) de makers van Blue. [[http://www.snowgumfilms.com/trollbridge/|Troll Bridge]] is an epic short film based on a fable written by Sir Terry Pratchett. Set in the phenomenally successful Discworld series, Troll Bridge is about the world’s last Barbarian hero (now at the age of 87) embarking on a suicide mission to battle a bridge troll in mortal combat. \\ [[http://www.biosagenda.nl/|Bioscoop agenda Nederland]] =====Sci-Fi===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p69lEMn0I8k|YouTube - Silent Running - Trailer]] on 2023-03-06 by [[https://www.youtube.com/@UniversalPicturesAllAccess|Universal Pictures All-Access]]. \\ ====Stargate==== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b69uRTG_O3A|YouTube - I still can't belive that I actually OWN THIS]] by [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGsaijjOJshS2_ZmMNZgS-g|der8auer EN]] \\