=====Links===== [[http://www.hackmyidea.com/wordpress/|Hack My Idea]] \\ [[http://thebackroomtech.wordpress.com/|the back room tech]] \\ [[http://projectdream.org/wordpress/|Lukas Beeler’s IT Blog]] The experiences of an SMB IT technician \\ [[http://vinf.net/|vinf.net]] Virtualization, Windows, Infrastructure and all that "stuff" in-between.\\ [[http://mark.ossdl.de/|Mark’s Blog]] \\ [[http://www.techlog.org/|techlog]] \\ [[http://blogs.ethz.ch/jlaville/|JaLaBlog]] \\ [[http://blogs.dirteam.com/blogs/sanderberkouwer/|The things that are better left unspoken]] a blog by Sander Berkouwer \\ [[http://www.nynaeve.net/|Nynaeve - Adventures in Windows debugging and reverse engineering]] \\ [[http://19incheswide.com/|19 Inches Wide]] Tech blog for servers \\ [[http://mundy.net.au/|Mundy IT Knowledgebase]] \\ [[http://www.asguard.net/|asguard.net Tech Blog]] \\ [[http://colinbowern.com/|Colin Bowern]] ... chuck norris can divide by zero. \\ [[http://aspoc.net/|a Single Point of Contact]] a technical repository, by Matt Wade \\ [[http://www.sysadmintales.com/|Tales of a Systems Administrator]] \\ [[http://www.cuddletech.com/blog/|Cuddletech: Use UNIX or die]] the blog of Ben Rockwood.\\ [[http://administratosphere.wordpress.com/|UNIX Administratosphere]] UNIX and Linux System Administration \\\ [[http://markswinkels.nl/|Mark Swinkels]] \\ [[http://www.wardvissers.nl/|Ward Vissers]] \\ [[http://www.servercare.nl/|ServerCare]] is a website dedicated to the finding the most (cost) efficient way to run systems to simply ‘get the job done’. \\ [[http://blog.tatham.oddie.com.au/|Tatham Oddie]] \\ [[http://www.onlinetechblog.com/blog/|Tim Lefler's IT Blog]] \\ [[http://geektechnique.org/|geek technique]] \\ [[http://www.deploymentzone.com/|Deployment Zone]] blog van Charles Feduke. Beschildert ook miniaturen, zie [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/26404215@N05/|Flickr - charles.feduke's photostream]] \\ [[http://sgwindowsgroup.org/blogs/panda/default.aspx|Panda's Blog]] \\ [[http://clintboessen.blogspot.nl/|Clint Boessen's Blog]] Lots of Hints, Tips and Tricks for IT Professionals.... \\