======Links===== [[http://www.kmfms.com/|KMFMS - Kein Mitleid Für MicroSoft]] \\ [[http://www.kmfms.com/unmaintainable.txt|unmaintainable.txt]] \\ [[http://www.lege.com/unix-nt/|Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX by John Kirch]] oud (1998) artikel waarin NT (4) vergeleken word met betaalde en gratis Unix varianten en tekort schiet. \\ [[http://www.securityoffice.net/mssecrets/hotmail.html|Converting a UNIX .COM Site to Windows]] intern Microsoft document over de omzetting van hotmail.com van FreeBSD + Solaris naar Win2k. Via [[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2002/11/21/ms_paper_touts_unix/|The Register - MS paper touts Unix in Hotmail's Win2k switch]]. Bronsite:[[http://www.securityoffice.net/index_eng.php|SecurityOffice]] \\ [[http://windows95tips.tumblr.com/|Windows 95 Tips, Tricks, and Tweaks]] \\