======Microsoft - Windows - 2003 - Miscellaneous====== [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53314|Microsoft Download - Windows Server 2003/2003 R2 Retired Content]] download retired Windows Server 2003 content as a PDF. [[http://www.zdnetindia.com/index.php?action=articleDescription&prodid=6235|Check for volume errors in Windows Server 2003]] vrfydsk.exe en chkdsk.exe \\ [[https://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/storage/getstorfacts.mspx|Microsoft Storage: Fact and Fiction]] \\ [[http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/prodtech/windowsserver2003/w2003hg/sgch00.mspx|Windows Server 2003 Security Guide]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/327994|HOW TO: Troubleshoot DVD Problems in Windows Server 2003]] \\ [[http://technet2.microsoft.com/windowsserver/en/library/ee26f971-c9d4-444f-9622-d5d756229e5e1033.mspx?mfr=true|Share permissions]] \\ =====KB Articles===== [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824994/en-us|Description of the contents of Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 software update packages]] describes how update branches are arranged for Server 2003/XP and describes why you shouldn't delete the (contents of) %windir%\$hf_mig$. \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914962|List of updates in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824721/|Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 list of updates]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/895092|Recommended hotfixes for Windows Server 2003-based server clusters]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875424|Time synchronization may not succeed when you try to synchronize with a non-Windows NTP server in Windows Server 2003]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913835|The Windows Server 2003 redirector component limits the number of files that can be open at the same time to 16,383, even when multiple connections are pooled in DFS]] \\ ====Filesharing==== [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907458|How to implement Windows Server 2003 Access-based Enumeration in a DFS environment]] \\ =====VSS fixes===== [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/891957|Update is available that fixes various Volume Shadow Copy Service issues in Windows Server 2003 (kb891957)]] inmiddels vervangen door [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913648|A new Volume Shadow Copy Service update is now available that fixes various Volume Shadow Copy Service problems in Windows Server 2003 (kb913648)]]. \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/903234/|An update is available to optimize the way that the Shadow Copy Client accesses shadow copies in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP (kb903234)]] \\ [[http://blog.tiensivu.com/aaron/archives/256-Im-now-putting-KB-891957-on-all-Windows-2003-servers-that-I-deploy..html|I'm now putting KB 891957 on all Windows 2003 servers that I deploy.]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915331|The backup process may fail and a time-out error may occur in Volume Shadow Copy Service writers (915331)]] zit in SP2. \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923628|The backup application stops responding when you perform a backup that uses a volume snapshot in Windows Server 2003 with SP1 (kb923628)]] zit in SP2. \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/910260|Requestors that are coded as single-apartment COM applications will not work with the Volume Shadow Copy Service most of the time on a Windows Server 2003-based computer]] niet in SP1/SP2.\\ [[http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2007/05/27/seeing-vss-errors.aspx|Seeing VSS errors?]] \\ [[http://www.minasi.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=17457|Shadow copy problem]] \\ [[http://www.certfaq.com/bb/ftopic23334.html|Problem with Shadow Copy]] \\ [[http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/30218059/issue-with-vss-on-w2k3.aspx|Issue with VSS on W2K3]] \\ [[http://blogs.technet.com/edwalt/archive/2006/02/02/418665.aspx|"Backups.......I don't need no stinking backups"....whatever!]] \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/833167|Er is een VSS-updatepakket (Volume Shadow Copy-service) beschikbaar voor Windows Server 2003 (kb833167)]] zit in SP1. \\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/887827|A Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) update-2 package is available (kb887827)]] zit in SP1.\\ [[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826936|Time-out errors occur in Volume Shadow Copy service writers, and shadow copies are lost during backup and during times when there are high levels of input/output (kb826936)]] zit in SP1.\\ =====Volume Shadow Copy Service===== [[http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Windows-Server-2003-Volume-Shadow-Copy-Service.html|Working with the Windows Server 2003 Volume Shadow Copy Service]] \\ [[http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996004.aspx|Best Practices for Using Volume Shadow Copy Service with Exchange Server 2003]] \\