======Font Notes======
=====Convert OTF font to TTF=====
// Tested with fontforge-cygwin_2012_08_02.zip on Windows 7. //
- Download [[http://fontforge.org/|FontForge]] for Windows from [[http://www.geocities.jp/meir000/fontforge/|unofficial fontforge-cygwin]].
- Extract the zip.
- If the computer is part of an AD Domain, edit fontforge.bat. Replace the lines: if not exist "cygwin\etc\passwd" ( mkpasswd > "cygwin\etc\passwd" )
if not exist "cygwin\etc\group" ( mkgroup > "cygwin\etc\group" )
With: if not exist "cygwin\etc\passwd" ( mkpasswd -l > "cygwin\etc\passwd" )
if not exist "cygwin\etc\group" ( mkgroup -l > "cygwin\etc\group" )
// This is to prevent the passwd and group files from being filled with all Active Directory accounts and groups. //
- Open a command prompt and use it to start fontforge.bat.
- An **Open Font** window appears. Click **Cancel**.
- Copy and paste the following and save as otf2ttf.txt next to fontforge.bat:#!/usr/local/bin/fontforge
Print("Opening "+$1);
Print("Saving "+$1:r+".ttf");
// Source: [[http://www.maestric.com/doc/ubuntu/install_otf_font|Jérôme Jaglale - Intall OTF font on Ubuntu]] //
- Execute the following command in the command prompt and substitute the last parameter with the filename of the OTF font:fontforge.exe -script otf2ttf.txt font.otf
- There should now be a TTF version of the font next to the OTF file.