======OS - NAS - TrueNAS - sudo====== // Tested on TrueNAS 12.0-U4. // FreeNAS uses /etc/local/sudoers as sudoers file, but this gets overwritten by /conf/base/etc/local/sudoers on reboot. On TrueNAS 12 /etc/local/sudoers is not overwritten by /conf/base/etc/local/sudoers, so you can't make changes permanent by writing them to /conf/base/etc/local/sudoers. Instead on TrueNAS 12 /etc/local/sudoers is "rewritten" based on /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/etc_files/local/sudoers. In addition files that are placed in /conf/base/etc/local/sudoers.d/ are placed in /etc/local/sudoers.d/ after a reboot, but /etc/local/sudoers by default does not include an includedir directive to use files in /etc/local/sudoers.d/. To make sudoers use an includedir on TrueNAS 12: - Add the includedir to /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/etc_files/local/sudoers:echo "@includedir /etc/local/sudoers.d" >> /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/etc_files/local/sudoers - And to not have to reboot to apply the changes also to /etc/local/sudoers:echo "@includedir /etc/local/sudoers.d" >> /etc/local/sudoers After this it is now possible to place your own files with sudoers lines in both: * /etc/local/sudoers.d/ to be active immediately. * /conf/base/etc/local/sudoers.d/ to be restored after reboot.