======OS - VMS - OpenVMS====== // No more hobbyist licenses for Alpha and Itanium: [[https://vmssoftware.com/about/news/2024-03-25-community-license-update/|VMS Software - Updates to the Community Program (2024-03-15)]]. (OpenVMS VAX license weren't available from VMS Software.) // [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/|HP OpenVMS Systems]] \\ [[http://www.openvms.org/|OpenVMS Community Portal]] \\ [[http://www.vmshobbyist.org|OpenVMS Hobbyist]] \\ [[https://www.openvmshobbyist.com/|OpenVMS Hobbyist Portal]] \\ [[http://deathrow.vistech.net/|"The Deathrow Cluster"]] is a couple of computers acting as one large computer. The cluster currently consists of DEC Alphas (64 bit), and VAXen (32 bit - Some uVAX hardware, some emulated) running the OpenVMS operating system. The idea of the cluster is to promote the OpenVMS operating system and give people a chance to play with it. \\ [[http://openvms-rocks.com/|OpenVMS-rocks]] \\ [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/20th/|OpenVMS at 20 Nothing Stops It]] book. \\ [[http://www.hoffmanlabs.org/|HoffmanLabs]] \\ [[wp>OpenVMS]] \\ [[http://www.vaxman.de/|VAXMAN]] manages a large number of (OpenVMS) mainframes that were saved from the scrapheap. Among those is [[http://fafner.dyndns.org/|FAFNER]] which is online and available for a shell account. \\ [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/gbell/Digital/DECMuseum.htm|Gordon Bell's Publications]] \\ [[http://www.montagar.com/hobbyist/install.html|Montagar - Installing OpenVMS]] \\ [[http://www.hilpers.com/1284665-registrierung-von-openvms|Hilpers - Registrierung von OpenVMS]] \\ [[http://www.freevms.net/|FreeVMS]] is a project for coding an operating system under GPL license (GPLv3) according to VMS system spcifications. This operating system has to run on at least i386 and amd64. It is written using the C language. \\ [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/products/year-2000/leap.html|HP OpenVMS Systems - Year 2000 - To Leap or Not to Leap?]] \\ =====Applications===== [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/freeware/index.html|OpenVMS Freeware]] as gathered by HP. \\ [[http://wasd.vsm.com.au/|WASD]] webserver. \\ [[http://www.vmspython.org/|Python for OpenVMS Wiki]] \\ [[http://www.vmsmysql.org/|MySQL for OpenVMS Wiki]] \\ =====Blogposts/Articles===== [[http://ajax.sys-con.com/node/47862|AjaxWorld Magazine - HP Seeks To Justify Itanium]] - January 24, 2005 12:00 AM EST \\ [[http://www.itjungle.com/breaking/bn070605-story01.html|IT Jungle - HP Ramps Up OpenVMS on Integrity Servers]] - July 6, 2005 \\ [[http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/06/10/204232/hp-discontinue-openvms|Slashdot - HP Discontinue OpenVMS]] \\ [[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/10/openvms_death_notice/|The Register - Windows NT grandaddy OpenVMS taken out back, single gunshot heard]] HP signals end to legendary big iron beast By Liam Proven, 10th June 2013\\ =====Commercieel===== [[http://www.process.com/|Process Software]] \\ [[http://www.kednos.com/|Kednos]] PL/I for OpenVMS and Tru64 \\ [[http://www.ccsscorp.com/|Computer Consulting System Services (CCSS)]] \\ [[http://www.digiater.nl/|Digiater.nl]] Also contains the OpenVMS [[http://www.digiater.nl/openvms/decus/|Decus]] en [[http://www.digiater.nl/openvms/freeware/|Freeware]] archive.\\ =====Cursus===== [[http://plato.ccsscorp.com/index.html|CCSS Interactive Learning]] \\ [[http://www.pottsoft.com/home/vms/vms_tutorial.html|Phil's VMS Tutorial]] \\ =====Fan sites===== [[http://www.vaxination.ca/vms/index.html|JF's VMS PAGE]] \\ [[http://mail.openvms.org:8100/Lists/news/List.html?&Sort=3&Limit=500|OpenVMS.org Newsletter Archive]] \\ [[http://home.orange.nl/andy.park/|homepage of Andy Park]] \\ [[http://www.ccsscorp.com/VMSblog/|VMSblog]] \\ =====Support===== [[http://www.vsm.com.au/|VSM Software Services Pty Ltd]] \\ =====Technical Update Days Netherlands===== [[http://www.woertman.com/VMSTUD2007/|OpenVMS Technical Update Days 2007, Netherlands, October 1/2]] presentations in ppt, pdf and od[pt] format. \\ [[http://www.woertman.com/VMSTUD2008/|OpenVMS Technical Update Days 2008, Netherlands, November 19/20]] presentations in ppt, pdf and od[pt] format. \\ =====Documentation===== [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/index.html?jumpid=/go/openvms/doc|HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation]] \\ [[http://www.snee.com/bob/opsys.html|The Operating Systems Handbook]] over UNIX, OpenVMS, OS/400, VM en MVS. \\ [[http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/integrity/faqs.html|HP - OpenVMS on Integrity FAQ]] \\ [[http://savilltech.com/vmsfaq.html|VMS FAQ]] at SavillTech.com. \\ [[http://www.openvms.org/faqs/OpenVMS-Hack-FAQ.html|OpenVMS HACK FAQ]] \\ [[http://www.hoffmanlabs.com/vmsfaq/vmsfaq_contents.html|The OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] \\ =====Hardware===== Since 1997, [[http://www.islandco.com/|Island Computers]] has offered only the HIGHEST quality NEW & Refurbished DEC, HP & Compaq Alphaservers, Vax & Microvax systems along with all parts & options for your OpenVMS and Tru64 system environment. \\