======Security - Default Passwords======
=====Polycom phone=====
Standard Username and Password:
Username = Polycom (case sensitive)
Admin Password = 456
User Password = 123
Source:[[http://community.polycom.com/t5/VoIP/FAQ-What-is-the-Standard-Username-and-Password-for-a-Polycom/td-p/4217|Polycom - [FAQ] What is the Standard Username and Password for a Polycom Phone]] \\
For most NETGEAR devices (except ReadyNAS/ReadyDATA products and Fully Managed Switches), the default username and password is:
Username (all models) = admin
Password (current models) = password
Password (very old models) = 1234
For ReadyNAS/ReadyDATA products:
Username (all models) = admin
Password (ReadyNAS OS and ReadyDATA OS) = password
Password (RAIDiator firmware) = netgear1
Password (Infrant firmware) = infrant1
For NETGEAR Fully Managed Switches:
Username = admin
Password is blank (no need to enter any password).
[[http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1148/~/default-web-interface-password-for-netgear-devices|NETGEAR Support - Default web interface password for NETGEAR devices]] \\