[[http://homepage2.nifty.com/mrym3/taiyodo/eng/|Free NIC drivers for Solaris]] including those for an nForce 3 motherboard. \\
[[http://www.opencsw.org/|CSW packaging home]] home of pkg-get for Solaris and a large collection of packages. \\
[[http://www.blastwave.org/|Blastwave]] is a collective effort to create a set of binary packages of free software, that can be automatically installed to a Solaris computer (sparc or x86 based) over the network. Blastwave has a substantial build server farm for the use of the software developers and maintainers in the Solaris community. All software is built and tested in a standardized build environment using Sun ONE Studio 8, Sun ONE Studio 10, Studio 11 tools as well as GCC. \\
=====DNS client configuration=====
Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf:
hosts: files dns
Edit /etc/resolv.conf:
Source:[[http://www.charvolant.org/~doug/network/html/node10.html|DNS Configuration]] \\
=====DHCP client configuration=====
Create a /etc/dhcp.ifname:
touch /etc/dhcp.nfo0
=====Mount ISO on Solaris=====
# lofiadm -a /path/to/cd.iso
The output contains a part of the input for the next step:
To mount the ISO:
# mount -o ro -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
Sources: \\
[[http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-mount-sun-solaris-cd-iso-image/|lofiadm: Solaris Mount an ISO CD Image]] \\
[[http://www.sunsolarisadmin.com/general/how-to-mount-an-iso-image-in-sun-solaris/|How to mount an ISO image in SUN Solaris]] \\
System cpu/mem/process statistics:
man logadm
Rotate /var/log/mylog: \\
-p1w: after one week. \\
-C7: keep 7 old versions. \\
-z0: Leave 0 old log file uncompressed. \\
-N: Do not complain about missing logs. \\
-w mylog: Provide "mylog" as name for this logadm configuration.
logadm -p1w -C7 -z0 -N -w mylog /var/log/mylog
====System information====
psrinfo -pv
Example output:
The physical processor has 4 cores and 8 virtual processors (0-7)
The core has 2 virtual processors (0 4)
The core has 2 virtual processors (1 5)
The core has 2 virtual processors (2 6)
The core has 2 virtual processors (3 7)
x86 (GenuineIntel 206C2 family 6 model 44 step 2 clock 2400 MHz)
Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz
Example output:
System Configuration: Supermicro X8DTN+-F
BIOS Configuration: American Megatrends Inc. 2.1c 10/28/2011
BMC Configuration: IPMI 2.0 (KCS: Keyboard Controller Style)
==== Processor Sockets ====================================
Version Location Tag
-------------------------------- --------------------------
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz CPU 1
==== Memory Device Sockets ================================
Type Status Set Device Locator Bank Locator
----------- ------ --- ------------------- ----------------
DDR3 in use 0 P1-DIMM1A BANK0
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM1B BANK1
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM1C BANK2
DDR3 in use 0 P1-DIMM2A BANK3
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM2B BANK4
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM2C BANK5
DDR3 in use 0 P1-DIMM3A BANK6
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM3B BANK7
DDR3 empty 0 P1-DIMM3C BANK8
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM1A BANK9
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM1B BANK10
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM1C BANK11
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM2A BANK12
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM2B BANK13
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM2C BANK14
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM3A BANK15
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM3B BANK16
DDR3 empty 0 P2-DIMM3C BANK17
==== On-Board Devices =====================================
==== Upgradeable Slots ====================================
ID Status Type Description
--- --------- ---------------- ----------------------------
Source: [[https://www.thegeekdiary.com/how-to-find-number-of-physicallogical-cpus-cores-and-memory-in-solaris/|The Geek Diary - How to find Number of Physical/Logical CPUs, cores and memory in Solaris]]
Amount of system memory in megabytes:
prtconf -m
Example output:
Example output:
SCSI c0t5000C500A1D1C647d0 ATA ST1000NM0008-2F2 931.51 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A1D1B4D4d0 ATA ST1000NM0008-2F2 931.51 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45A75A2d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45A73EAd0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45B6EB5d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45EB962d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45D5DFFd0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45A4389d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45E8218d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A45E6E92d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A52BBA32d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A52BD754d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A52C80CAd0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500C602C8D6d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A5D84CFDd0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A60E9679d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A52F1CF1d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
SCSI c0t5000C500A52C9BD5d0 ATA ST8000NM0055-1RM 7452.04 GiB no no
List services:
Enable a service:
pfexec svcadm enable /network/zabbix:agent
Restart service:
pfexec svcadm restart zabbix:agent
Clear a 'maintenance' mark on a service (e.g. when set after too many service failures):
pfexec svcadm clear zabbix:agent
=====Misc Links=====
[[http://www.bolthole.com/|Bolthole.com]] is a mix of Solaris info, Java programming, and other techie tips. \\
=====Flash player=====
Install Adobe Flash Player on OpenSolaris for the default Firefox browser:
- Download the latest Flash Player from the [[http://www.adobe.com/|Adobe website]].
- Extract the contents of the archive to ~/.mozilla/plugins/
- Restart Firefox.
|Tested with: \\ OpenSolaris: ? \\ ioquake3: ?|Tested with: \\ OpenIndiana 151a7 \\ ioquake3 rev2244|
|Download and install pkgconfig-x.xx-sol10-x86-local.gz [[http://www.sunfreeware.com/|Freeware for Solaris]]. \\ \\ Check your PATH with: $ $PATH
If /usr/local/bin isn't in the PATH place it there temporarily: $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
\\ Use Package Manager to install: \\ SUNWgmake \\ SUNWgcc (installeerd SUNWgcc, SUNWbinutils, SUNWarc en SUNWhea) \\|Use Package Manager to install: gcc-3
Source for header-math [[http://ewaldertl.blogspot.nl/2012/11/openindiana-151a7-is-missing-mathh.html|1]] \\ \\ Create a Makefile.local in the ioquake3 tree with contents:Makefile.local:
FIXME: Fix the following:gmake[2]: Entering directory `/home/bas/ioquake3'
gmake[2]: `build/release-sunos-i386/ioq3ded.i386' is up to date.
LD build/release-sunos-i386/ioquake3.i386
ld: fatal: library -liconv: not found
ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to build/release-sunos-i386/ioquake3.i386
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[2]: *** [build/release-sunos-i386/ioquake3.i386] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/bas/ioquake3'
gmake[1]: *** [targets] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bas/ioquake3'
gmake: *** [release] Error 2
Hint: compiling and installing libiconv-1.14 doesn't help.|
Open ./ioquake3/Makefile and scroll to:
Start the compilation:
$ gmake
=====Configure network interface after install=====
// Tested on OmniOSCE r151046. //
Check the dmesg output for the available network cards:
dmesg | grep mac
"Enable" the interface (in this case the yge0 interface):
ipadm create-if yge0
Set it to DHCP:
touch /etc/dhcp.yge0
Install WireGuard:
pfexec pkg install wireguard-tools
Go to homedir:
Generate public and private WireGuard keys:
wg genkey | tee private.key | wg pubkey > public.key
Move the private.key to be the start of the tun0.conf:
pfexec mv private.key /etc/opt/ooce/wireguard/tun0.conf
Set permissions:
pfexec chown root:bin /etc/opt/ooce/wireguard/tun0.conf
pfexec chmod 0600 /etc/opt/ooce/wireguard/tun0.conf
Edit tun0.conf:
pfexec vi /etc/opt/ooce/wireguard/tun0.conf
Add server config under [Interface], and at least one client under a [Peer]:
Address =
ListenPort = 5182
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =
Address: IP address to use for tunnel interface on the server. \\
Endpoint: IP address of client. \\
AllowedIPs: At least tunnel IP of client. \\
wg-quick looks for information in /etc/wireguard/ directory. \\
Create the config directory:
pfexec mkdir /etc/wireguard
And link the config:
pfexec ln -sf /etc/opt/ooce/wireguard/tun0.conf /etc/wireguard/tun0.conf
Start the WireGuard tun0 interface:
wg-quick up tun0
Expected output:
[#] wireguard-go tun
[#] sleep 0.1
[+] Interface for wg0 is tun0
[#] ipadm create-addr -t -T static -a local=,remote= tun0/wg00
[#] wg setconf tun0 /dev/fd/63
[#] ifconfig tun0 mtu 1420
[#] route -q -n add -inet -iface
add host gateway
[+] Backgrounding route monitor
Show the status of WireGuard:
wg show
Expected output:
interface: tun0
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 5182
allowed ips:
Shut down the interface so we can enable the wq-quick service (without it switching to state 'maintenance':
pfexec wg-quick down tun0
Check that wg-quick is available as a service to create an instance for:
svccfg list | grep wg
Expected output:
If it isn't import the manifest:
pfexec svccfg -v import /lib/svc/manifest/ooce/network-wg-quick.xml
Expected output:
svccfg: Successful import.
Create an instance of the wg-quick service for the tun0 config/interface:
pfexec svccfg
You will get the svccfg interactive shell. \\
Select the ooce/network/wg-quick service, add an instance for tun0, and exit the svccfg shell as follows:
svc:> select ooce/network/wg-quick
svc:/ooce/network/wg-quick> add tun0
svc:/ooce/network/wg-quick> exit
svcs -a | grep wg
Expected output:
- - svc:/ooce/network/wg-quick:tun0
pfexec svcadm enable /ooce/network/wg-quick:tun0
svcs -a | grep wg
Expected output:
online 17:58:49 svc:/ooce/network/wg-quick:tun0
Check the status of WireGuard like before:
wg show
Reboot the server and use 'wg show' to check that that the WireGuard tun0 interface is available after reboot.
Source: [[https://kubernaut.eu/posts/installation-of-wireguard-wireguard-go-in-omnios-illumos/|kubernaut.eu - Installation of wireguard (wireguard-go) in OmniOS (illumos)]]