======VMware - ESX - Miscellaneous====== [[http://www.vm-help.com/esx/esx3.5/Whiteboxes_SATA_Controllers_for_ESX_3.5_3i.htm|ESX 3.5 and 3i White boxes and working SATA controllers]] \\ [[http://ict-freak.nl/2009/07/11/vmware-remove-snapshot-stuck-at-95/|ICT-Freak.nl - VMware: Remove Snapshot stuck at 95%]] \\ =====Documentation===== [[http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/|VMware Documentation]] contains links to the configuration guides.\\ [[http://www.waldspurger.org/carl/papers/esx-mem-osdi02.pdf|Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server]] \\ [[http://www.vmware.com/support/esx2/doc/vmware-cmd.html|VMware ESX Server 2.0 - Using the vmware-cmd Utility]] \\ **VMware Infrastructure 3 Documentation** \\ [[http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vi_pages/vi_pubs_302_301.html|ESX 3.0.2 and VirtualCenter 2.0.2 / ESX 3.0.1 and VirtualCenter 2.0.1]] \\ [[http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vi_pages/vi_pubs_35.html|VMware ESX 3.5 and VirtualCenter 2.5]] \\ =====Knowledge Base Articles===== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/340|Overview of VMware Tools (340)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1001805|Choosing a network adapter for your virtual machine]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1003746|Virtual machine hardware versions (1003746)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1015180|Understanding virtual machine snapshots in VMware ESXi and ESX (1015180)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1003145|Cannot Power On a Virtual Machine with Too Many PCI Devices (1003145)]] applies to ESX(i) 3.5.x. \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2047927|Mapping PCI slot numbers to guest-visible PCI bus topology (2047927)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1007380|Why do host NICs sometimes change their ordering after an ESX installation? (1007380)]] applies to ESX(i) 3.0.x and 3.5.x. \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2019871|ESXi/ESX host loses network connectivity after adding new NICs or an upgrade (2019871)]] applies to ESX(i) 3.5.x and higher (no mention of 5.5 though).\\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1015572|Virtual NIC settings on a Windows guest are lost after a virtual hardware upgrade (1015572)]] \\ [[https://kb.vmware.com/kb/1028373|False duplicate IP address detected on Microsoft Windows Vista and later virtual machines on ESX/ESXi when using Cisco devices on the environment (1028373)]] a.k.a: REM Add registry key. "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\reg.exe" ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" /v ArpRetryCount /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f REM Reboot system "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\shutdown.exe" -r -t 0\\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010832|Datastore appears empty from the datastore browser (1010832)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1033696|Creating a persistent scratch location for ESXi 4.x/5.x/6.0 (1033696)]] \\ [[https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2008957|Storage vMotion migration fails with the error: The method is disabled by 'SYMC-INCR dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm' (2008957)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1031186|Capturing a network trace in ESXi using Tech Support Mode or ESXi Shell (1031186)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2000130|Displaying the ARP and Neighbor Discovery cache for VMkernel network interfaces (2000130)]] \\ [[https://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010789|Configuring VMDirectPath I/O pass-through devices on a VMware ESX or VMware ESXi host (1010789)]] ====Paravirtual SCSI==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1017652|Do I choose the PVSCSI or LSI Logic virtual adapter on ESX\ESXi 4.0 for non-IO intensive workloads? (1017652)]] \\ [[https://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010398|Configuring disks to use VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI) adapters (1010398)]] \\ [[https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2053145|Large-scale workloads with intensive I/O patterns might require queue depths significantly greater than Paravirtual SCSI default values (2053145)]] \\ ====6.0==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2087970|Devices deprecated and unsupported in VMware ESXi 6.0 (2087970)]] \\ ====5.5==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2056935|Devices deprecated and unsupported in ESXi 5.5 (2056935)]] \\ ====5.0==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2005377|VMware ESXi/ESX 4.1 and ESXi 5.0 comparison (2005377)]] \\ ====Storage==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/3371739|ESX/ESXi 3.x/4.x hosts do not support 2-terabyte LUNs (3371739)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2003813|Frequently Asked Questions on VMware vSphere 5.x for VMFS-5 (2003813)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1005325|VMFS 3 versions and upgrade paths (1005325)]] \\ ====Microsoft Clustering==== [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1560391|MSCS Requires 2Gb Fibre Channel HBAs on ESX Server 3.0.1]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1002304|MSCS Support for Both 4Gb and 2Gb Fibre Channel HBAs on ESX Server 3.0.2 or Later]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1004617|Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) support on ESXi/ESX (1004617)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1037959|Microsoft Clustering on VMware vSphere: Guidelines for Supported Configurations (1037959)]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2052238|MSCS support enhancements in vSphere 5.5 (2052238)]] \\ =====Blogposts/Articles===== [[http://vknowledge.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/common-vmkernel-errors/|vKnowledge - Common VMkernel errors]] \\ [[http://blogs.vmware.com/kb/2010/09/dealing-with-vcenter-41-database-tables-growth.html|VMware Support Insider - Dealing with vCenter 4.1 Database Tables Growth]] \\ [[http://www.petenetlive.com/KB/Article/0000479.htm|PeteNetLive - vSphere - Virtual Center Server Service Stops]] because of database is "full". \\ [[http://www.evanhoffman.com/evan/2013/08/05/call-hostservicesystem-start-for-object-xx-on-vcenter-server-yy-failed-when-starting-snmpd-on-esxi-5-1/|Evan Hoffman's Blog - “Call HostServiceSystem.Start for object XX on vCenter Server YY failed” when starting snmpd on ESXi 5.1]] \\ [[http://www.virtualizationadmin.com/articles-tutorials/general-virtualization-articles/vmwares-paravirtual-scsi-adapter-benefits-watch-outs-usage.html|VitualizationAdmin.com - VMware’s Paravirtual SCSI Adapter Benefits, Watch-Outs and Usage]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/how-to-blink-a-vmnic-on-your-esxi-host-to-identify-the-physical-nic/|running-system.com - How to - blink a vmnic on your ESXi Host to identify the physical NIC]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/vsphere-5-5-esxtop-quick-overview-for-troubleshooting-diagram-available/|running-system.com - “vSphere 5.5 ESXTOP quick overview for Troubleshooting” diagram available]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/how-to-removedelete-an-iscsi-software-adapter/|running-system.com - How to - remove/delete an iSCSI Software Adapter]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/how-to-check-vmfs-for-metadata-corruption-esxi-5-1-and-later/|running-system.com - How to check VMFS for metadata corruption (ESXi 5.1 and later)]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/upgrade-to-vsphere-5-5-check-the-key-length-of-your-vcenter-certificates/|running-system.com - Upgrade to vSphere 5.5? Check the key length of your vCenter certificates]] \\ [[http://www.vcritical.com/2011/03/start-and-manage-a-vm-without-using-vsphere-client/|VCritical - Start and Manage a VM Without Using vSphere Client]] \\ [[http://www.running-system.com/running-esxi-5-x-hp-hardware-take-care-used-hp-ams-version/|running-system.com - Running ESXi 5.x on HP hardware? Take care of the used HP-AMS version!]] \\ [[http://www.virtualizationteam.com/server-virtualization/ats-only-vmfs-volume-vmfs5-not-mounted-host-does-not-support-ats-or-ats-initialization-has-failed.html|Virtualization Team - ATS-Only VMFS Volume ‘VMFS5’ not mounted. Host does not support ATS or ATS initialization has failed.]] \\ =====VMFS Block Size===== [[http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1012384|VMware Knowledge Base - Creating a snapshot for a virtual machine fails with the error: File is larger than maximum file size supported]] \\ [[http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1003565|VMware Knowledge Base - Block size limitations of a VMFS datastore]] \\ [[http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/virtualization-pro/choosing-a-block-size-when-creating-vmfs-datastores/|Choosing a block size when creating VMFS datastores]] \\ [[http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2009/11/10/block-sizes-think-before-you-decide/|Yellow Bricks - Block sizes, think before you decide]] \\ ======Command line====== =====Blogposts/Articles===== [[http://thecrazyconsultant.com/esxcli-documentation-deep-dive/|The Crazy Consultant - ESXCLI documentation deep dive]] \\ =====Get information on a QLogic HBA===== For the first HBA: cat /proc/scsi/qla2300/1 Change 1 to 2 for information on the second HBA, 3 for the third HBA, and so on. =====From thick VMDK's to thin VMDK's===== Execute the following on the console: vmkfstools -i mydiskfile.vmdk -d thin newdiskfile.vmdk Edit the VM configuration, remove the fat VMDK and attach the new VMDK. \\ And then remove the fat VMDK. Source[[http://digitalcross.blogspot.com/2008/10/esx-35-thin-provisioned-vmdk.html|Digital Cross - ESX 3.5 Thin Provisioned VMDK]] \\ =====Add NFS datastore from ESXCLI===== esxcli storage nfs add -H= -s /hammer/hdisk1 -v esx01-nas-dfly-ds-01 Source:[[http://www.vladan.fr/esxi-5-x-managing-and-troubleshooting-nasnfs-datastores-via-cli/|ESX Virtualization - ESXi 5.x – Managing and troubleshooting NAS/NFS datastores via CLI]] \\ =====Register VM===== vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_directory/VM_name.vmx Source:[[http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1006160|Registering or adding a virtual machine to the inventory on vCenter Server or on an ESX/ESXi host (1006160)]] \\