======Links====== [[http://theether.net/kb/100017|Exchange Virtual Machine may freeze or dismount the Information Store when using vcbMounter]] \\ [[http://communities.vmware.com/message/592871|W2K3 Domain controller on VM]] \\ [[http://vmetc.com/2008/02/04/can-you-rely-on-live-backups-of-exchange-and-sql-vms/|Can you rely on live backups of Exchange and SQL VMs?]] \\ [[http://www.veeam.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=685|Veeam Community Forums - How to improve backup speed: VCB performance in SAN mode]] geeft aan dat in sommige gevallen de snelheid van VCB backup verhoogt kan worden door HBA drivers te updaten en/of multipathing uit te zetten op de VCB-proxy server.\\ ======SYNC driver====== **Considerations When Creating Snapshots** \\ When creating snapshots, keep in mind the following: \\ * Taking a snapshot of a virtual machine freezes it for a very short period of time, usually considerably less than a second. \\ * Creating a memory snapshot through the UI can leave a virtual machine frozen for a couple of seconds. This might affect some very time-sensitive applications, such as DBHammer. \\ * Creating quiesced snapshots using the SYNC driver requires waiting for I/O to drain in the guest operating system. This might affect some very time-sensitive applications, such as DBHammer. \\ * If you choose not to install the SYNC driver when installing VMware Tools, you can avoid the delay caused by the I/O draining. However, it results in snapshots being only crash-consistent, unless you provide custom quiescing through pre/and post-scripts in the guest. \\ Bron:[[http://pubs.vmware.com/vi3/backup/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=backup&file=vm_bug_vcb.4.6.html|VMware Virtual Machine Snapshot Technology]] \\