See also fossil
Create new repository:
fossil init myrepo.fossil
You'll get output similar to:
project-id: /Long number/ server-id: /Another long number/ admin-user: username (initial password is "123456")
Set up the server:
fossil server myrepo.fossil
You'll get output similar to:
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080 Type Ctrl-C to stop the HTTP server
Prepare the client.
fossil clone myclone.fossil
fossil open myclone.fossil
To disable autosync:
fossil setting autosync off
To enable autosync
fossil setting autosync on
To check the current autosync setting:
fossil setting autosync
To set Notepad to be the default editor for commit messages (for use on Windows):
fossil setting editor notepad.exe
List users:
fossil user list -R file.fossil
List rights of user:
fossil user capabilities anonymous -R file.fossil
Remove rights for anonymous and nobody:
fossil user capabilities anonymous "" -R file.fossil fossil user capabilities nobody "" -R fea.fossil
fossil user new username contact-info password
fossil user capabilities username bcfhgjmnoruvxz -R file.fossil
fossil user password username newpassword -R file.fossil
Extracts all revisions from a bazaar repository and commits each revision to a fossil repository.
Be warned: This script has received only very minimal testing so far.
Both bazaar and fossil executables should be in the %PATH%.
As this was for a bazaar repository with .cmd and .vbs files, the following option had to be set to prevent the fossil prompts about CR/LF at commit time:
fossil setting crnl-glob '*'
SET BZRREPODIR=I:\Scripts SET BZRTMPDIR=C:\Dump\ScriptsTMP SET FOSSILREPODIR=C:\Dump\Scripts2 SET TMPDIR=C:\Dump SET STARTREV=1 IF "%1" NEQ "" SET STARTREV=%1 IF NOT EXIST "%TMPDIR%" MKDIR "%TMPDIR%" CD /D "%BZRREPODIR%" FOR /F "tokens=*" %%S IN ('bzr revno') DO ( FOR /L %%D IN (%STARTREV%,1,%%S) DO ( IF EXIST "%BZRTMPDIR%" RD /S /Q %BZRTMPDIR% MKDIR "%BZRTMPDIR%" CD /D "%BZRREPODIR%" bzr log -r%%D > "%TMPDIR%\r%%D.txt" bzr export -r %%D --per-file-timestamps "%BZRTMPDIR%" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\xcopy.exe" /EY "%BZRTMPDIR%" "%FOSSILREPODIR%" CD /D "%TMPDIR%" CD /D "%FOSSILREPODIR%" fossil add * fossil commit --message-file "%TMPDIR%\r%%D.txt" ) ) IF EXIST "%BZRTMPDIR%" RD /S /Q %BZRTMPDIR% DEL /Q "%TMPDIR%\r*.txt"