Table of Contents

Hardware - Tape Drives - Miscellaneous


By CuriousMarc on YouTube:

YouTube - Qualstar 3404S 9-Track Reel-to-Reel Tape on 2018-08-06 by TX Dj.


nixCraft - 15 Useful Linux and Unix Tape Managements Commands For Sysadmins

GitHub - samuelncui/yatm Yet Another Tape Manager - Full Functional Tape Management System with Web User Interface.
GitHub - mnott/pytp Python Tape Manager.
GitHub - speed47/lto-info Tool to read information in Ultrium LTO Cartridges from a tape drive.

st - SCSI tape utility - ibmpc utils contains st.exe and the source files mentioned below.

From - ibmpc utils - README:

Can be used to capture tape images for Ersatz-11, among other things.  
Use "st -f scsi6: iget foo.tap" to read the
entire tape at SCSI ID 6 into the file "foo.tap", suitable for use
with E11's MOUNT command.  It can also go the other way, use "iput"
instead of "iget" to write foo.tap onto the tape.  Fixed block sizes
with recordless files are also supported, like what you get with the
UNIX "dd" program.

I'm ashamed to say this is written in C (Watcom 11.0).  It was
originally intended as sample code to be supplied to a contractor
(otherwise it would have been in assembly language like everything
else I do), but it evolved into a utility in its own right.

Files are:

aspi.c	DOS ASPI interface code
st.c	the utility itself
st.h	definitions
st.lnk	linker script

Build it with wcc aspi, wcc st, wlink @st (first change the "libpath"
lines in st.lnk to point at where the Watcom libraries are on your
system, unless you configured your Watcom better than I did).