$strDocument = "C:\Temp\Document.docx" $objMSWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application $objMSWord.Visible = $false $objDocument = $objMSWord.Documents.Open($strDocument) # Update the table of contents. # A foreach seems to be needed. # $objDocument.TablesOfContents[X].Update does nothing, and .Update() gets you: # "Method invocation failed because [System.__ComObject] does not contain a method named 'Update'." # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/microsoft.office.interop.word.tableofcontents(v=office.14).aspx foreach ($objTOC in $objDocument.TablesOfContents) { $objTOC.Update() } # Close the document. $objDocument.Close() # Quit MS Word. $objMSWord.Quit()
$strDocument = "C:\Temp\Document.docx" $objMSWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application $objMSWord.Visible = $false $objDocument = $objMSWord.Documents.Open($strDocument) # Reset the selection to the previous point, to make the following # Find.Execute search again from the beginning. # http://www.word.tips.net/T000826_Moving_to_the_Start_or_End_of_the_Real_Document.html $objMSWord.Selection.GoTo(1, 1) | Out-Null # Search for "<TOC>" and add a table of contents at that point. if ($objMSWord.Selection.Find.Execute("<TOC>")) { $objDocument.TablesOfContents.Add($objMSWord.Selection.Range) } # Close the document. $objDocument.Close() # Quit MS Word. $objMSWord.Quit()
Tested with Excel 2016 Dutch version. Excel 2013 Dutch versions did not seem to need this fix.
By default Excel VBA code uses the en-US locale and will thus save a CSV with the comma as the separator.
To use the separator supplied by the current locale (in this case a “;”) you need to force locale to True when using the .SaveAs function.
$objMSExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application # Should Excel be visible? $objMSExcel.Visible = $false $objMSExcel.DisplayAlerts = $false $objWorkBook = $objMSExcel.Workbooks.Open("c:\path\to\excel\sheet.xls") foreach ($objWorkSheet in $objWorkBook.Sheets) { if ($objMSExcel.Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA($objWorkSheet.Cells) -gt 0) { # Save the workstheet as (filename, fileformat) where fileformat 6 is CSV. # Set the Local option at the end to true to prevent save with the US-English CSV separator. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19265636/save-as-csv-with-semicolon-separator # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25288372/excel-workbooks-saveas-error-in-powershell#25289878 $objWorkSheet.SaveAs("c:\path\to\excel\sheet.csv",6,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,$true) } } # Close the workbook, do not save changes. $objWorkBook.Close($false)