Microsoft - Scripting - PowerShell - Snippets - Logging

Provides the following functions to log to a CSV file:

# When importing CSVs, what is the default delimiter?
$strCsvDelimiter = ";"
#$strScriptPath = Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value).MyCommand.Path -Parent
$strWorkingDir = ((Get-Variable PWD).Value).Path
# Log settings.
$strLogFile = "$strWorkingDir\Script-logfile.csv"
# Function: Initialize the log with the CSV header.
function InitLog() {
	if (-Not (Test-Path -Path "$strLogFile" -PathType Leaf)) {
		"DateTime" + $strCsvDelimiter + "User" + $strCsvDelimiter + "Status" + $strCsvDelimiter + "Message"  | Out-File -FilePath "$strLogFile"
# Function: Append a line to the logfile.
function AppendToLog([string]$Message, [string]$Status) {
	$strDateTime = Get-Date -Format o
	$strDateTime + $strCsvDelimiter + $env:USERNAME + $strCsvDelimiter + $Status + $strCsvDelimiter + $Message | Out-File -FilePath "$strLogFile" -Append
# Function: Log and display an info message.
function Log-Info([string]$Message) {
	AppendToLog -Message $Message -Status "INFO"
	Write-Host $Message -ForeGroundColor Yellow
# Function: Log and display a warning message.
function Log-Warning([string]$Message) {
	AppendToLog -Message $Message -Status "WARNING"
	Write-Host $Message -ForeGroundColor Yellow
# Function: Log and display an error message.
function Log-Error([string]$Message) {
	AppendToLog -Message $Message -Status "ERROR"
	Write-Host $Message -ForeGroundColor Red