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Amrein Engineering - Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts bied een aantal web parts, enkele zijn gratis.


Phil Wicklund - List Item Archiving Web Parts can be used to archive any list items on your site, grouped by the month and year those items were created. It also works well for SharePoint blogs; rather than using the standard SharePoint calendar to present your archived posts, you can use these parts to present the archive is a format that users are more acustomed to.

Media Player

Liam Cleary - Media Player Web Part to play media that is being streamed from the Windows Media Streaming Server. Download van:Liam Cleary - I am still alive and well!


Phil Wicklund - SPLimitedAccessDiscovery breaks down why some accounts show up on SharePoint sites as “Limited Access”. Limited Access means that the account doesn’t have access to the site itself, but it does have access somewhere within the site or within one of it’s child sites. Maybe somebody broke inheritance on a document in a document library, and granted a user to that document that doesn’t have access to the library or the site. That is why that user shows as having Limited Access, but it is really difficult to know where these unique permissions are set, and it could take hour of clicking around in the browser, trying to identify all the broken objects.