Table of Contents


The Windows Command Line, Batch Files, and Scripting
Microsoft Support - Virus scanning recommendations for computers that are running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista
PC Magazine - Create a Huge File for creating a huge file with DEBUG. fsutil.exe can do the same.

Cluster sizes

Microsoft Support - Default cluster size for FAT and NTFS
Microsoft Support - The Default Cluster Size for the NTFS and FAT File Systems

Windows Hardware Compatibility List

Products Designed for Microsoft Windows – Windows Catalog, Windows Vista Compatibility Center, and Windows Logo’d Product List links to the catalogs per productseries.
WindowsServer catalog

DSP editions

Windows 7 word naast OEM en Retail ook verkocht in de DSP editie. DSP staat voor Delivery Service Partner en houd volgens Microsoft het volgende in:
In addition to an OEM and a Retail edition, Windows 7 is also sold in the DSP edition. DSP stands for Delivery Service Partner. According to Microsoft it means: “The Delivery Service Partner version of Windows is similar to the OEM version of Windows in that it is distributed only with new computers and you cannot purchase a Delivery Service Partner version of Windows except with a new computer. Many smaller computer vendors include a Delivery Service Partner version of Windows on new computers.”
Source:Microsoft Support - OFF97: Error Installing Office 97 SBE on Non-DSP Windows 95/98 (KB171707)


Never use a png or bmp because windows will transcode it into a jpg with a quality equivalent to about 50%. If you use a high quality jpg it remains high q

Source:Neowin Forums → Technical Help & Support → OS Customization, Tips and Tweaks - TranscodedWallpaper.jpg