printMyCovers - tool om DVD/CD covers mee te printen.
LibTIFF - TIFF Library and Utilities, windows versie
Uticasoft Image Browser Arctic
FotoSketcher “Turn your digital photos into beautiful sketches or paintings in seconds.”
WinTopo Raster to Vector Converter
MediaCoder A free universal audio/video batch transcoder, putting together lots of excellent audio/video codecs and tools from the open source community into an all-in-one solution, capable of transcoding among different audio/video formats with many extra features.
BookDB2 van SpaceJock Software.
Suzy sells cmd shells by the C shore
Console frontend voor cmd.exe of 4nt.exe en anderen
Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier
The Sleuth Kit
Het programma The Sleuth Kit is een collectie van een aantal forensische tools die gebruikt kunnen worden om de harde schijf nader te bekijken. Daarmee wordt het mogelijk om verschillende verwijderde bestanden weer terug te halen of gedeeltelijk te bekijken. Ondersteuning voor ntfs, fat, ufs1, ufs2 ext2fs, ext3fs en iso 9660 indelingen is aanwezig.
SoftPerfect File Recovery
Restoration download
Ultimate Data Recovery
-Abby is a simple allround convertor
-Billy is a lightweighted no nonsense audio player that allows you to quickly play an entire directory of MP3 files.
-Diana is a very basic agenda.
-Hawk is an ultra fast hex file viewer.
-Kelly is a desktop calculator
-Natty is a small tray mail checker/notificator.
It deletes spam directly from your server.
My Uninstaller
Find Duplicates
NirCmd & Currports: Nirsoft
Delphi programma's:
Screen protector 2 (screensaver starter, ook voor .pps)
Fi-Bench 4 is een CPU benchmark applicatie speciaal voor multi processor systemen.
TFT Tester. TFT Tester is een eenvoudig programma om snel TFT- & CRT monitoren mee te testen.
CPU Speed. Met CPU Speed kan snel de kloksnelheid en het model van de processor achterhaald worden.
WEP key Generator. Met de WEP key Generator kan een zogenaamde WEP sleutel worden gegenereerd om uw draadloze netwerk te beveiligen.
WEP key Generator (webbased). Dit is hetzelfde programma als de WEP key Generator. Deze is alleen webgebasseerd en hoeft niet geinstalleerd te worden.
Email link generator (webbased). Deze webapplicatie codeert mailto:-links zodat spammers die uw website bezoeken op zoek naar emailadressen er niets meer mee kunnen. Ook kan uw emailadres zo veilig op fora gebruikt worden.
-System Spec - Produce a Spec of your PC's Hardware and capabilities.
-Drive Manager
-Device Info - A simple utility for listing all your PC's devices and their driver version numbers.
-Enable/Disable WinXP Firewall
-Wild Explorer - Wild Explorer is a replacement file explorer which allows you to use wild card (IE *.JPG etc) when browsing folders on your hard disk. This is the Windows exquivalent of doing “dir *.jpg” in DOS or the Windows CMD window.
Rempart kan een hele schijf met een enkel commando schoonmaken. Handig als je een oude schijf hebt liggen en je wilt zeker weten (en zonder gehannes) dat alles eraf gaat. Voor noodgevallen dus; wees voorzichtig.
Het Commando is:
rempart c:
Niet alleen c: is dan weg maar alles van de schijf. Ook OS/2, NT, HPFS, Unix en andere partities zijn geheel verdwenen.
Aezay Software Overview
-Registry Commander
-LAN File Searcher
-VCD Database
-W'right Pad
Winmail Opener Voor het openen Winmail.dat bestanden.
Uptime Logger
GNU XaoS - open source fractalen viewer/generator
Shut Down Timer en Screenshooter registreren bij downloadsite voor download
TeamTalk - voice conferencing application
Name | Description |
Restart | Restart is a system utility for advanced users with more than one operating system installed on their machine. The program installs an icon in the notification area, and with a single click the computer will shutdown and restart with the selected operating system. |
Send To Toys | Send To Toys is an enhancement of the Send To system menu. |
Zorro | Zorro is a utility to completely blank the screen except for a rectangular area selected by the user. This is especially useful for watching videos on your computer without being distracted by other programs. |
Eric Phelps website voor:
Public Domain Code 39 BarCode Fonts
DOS, Unix, and Macintosh Text Conversion
En nog een aantal andere tools, zoals: CommLink, CommTool, FileCap / Prn2Pbm (capture serial printer output).
Optimum X freeware utilities, o.a.:
Account Manager (AccountManager.exe)
BuiltIn Account Manager (BuiltIn.exe)
Clean Up (CleanUp.exe)
Cover Your Tracks (Cyt.exe)
Delete Profiles (DeleteProfiles.exe)
Empty Recycle Bin (EmptyRecycleBin.exe)
Exit Windows (ExitWindows.exe)
IE Cache (IECache.exe)
ini Tool (iniTool.exe)
Memory Check (MemCheck.exe)
Message Box (MessageBox.exe)
Modify Profile (ModifyProfile.exe)
Network Alias (NetAlias.exe)
Network Password Age (NetPWAge.exe)
Network Server Comment (NetComment.exe)
Network Speed (NetSpeed.exe)
Network Users (NetUsers.exe)
Network View (NetView.exe)
Random Number Generator (Random.exe)
Set Short File Name (SetSFN.exe)
Set Wallpaper (SetWallpaper.exe)
Shell Execute (ShellExecute.exe)
Shortcut (Shortcut.exe)
Windows File Protection Query (WFPQuery.exe)
DriveGLEAM is a utility who indicates read/write activity for your hard drives in the system notification area (also known as the system tray). It also supports output via the parallel port so that you can for example use a red led for write and a green led for read access.
Juan M. Aguirregabiria's Free Windows 95/.../Vista programs
Name | Description |
AddArgs | AddArgs is a utility for power users who want to run some programs with some predefined parameters in the command line. |
Alternate Data Streams | ADS is a utility to help you finding, inspecting and (optionally) removing Alternate Data Streams from your NTFS disks. |
Command Line shell | Any advanced user has a lot of command line programs in her system, but if you do not use them very often it is not always easy to remember the right option to do something. Cmd Line Shell is designed to be a shell for any command line program. |
Copy to printer | This is a simple utility program that will send any file directly to any printer Windows knows of. A typical use of this is to send a PostScript file to a laser printer, which knows how to handle it. You can also send to any printer the .prn file generated when printing something after selecting the option Print to a file. |
Delete Auxiliary | Delete Auxiliary is a utility for power users who want to delete from their disk junk files. |
Directory Compare | Directory Compare is a utility to help you keeping copies of your important directories (documents, programs under development and so on) in a backup hard disk or any other storage system (like 100Mb diskettes), as well as in a compressed .zip file (only in version 2.53). The backup may be made automatically (in unattended mode) or by using a friendly user interface. |
DVIPS shell | Tired to remember the options to be used with the excellent dvips when you want to print only some pages, or use an unusual magnification? DVIPS Shell is a utility to prepare the command line and launch the dvips program included, for instance, in the excellent free implementation of TeX by Christian Schenk: MiKTeX. |
EH reminder | EH is a reminder utility. |
Extract text | Extract Text is a utility to extract text strings (or other strings) from binary files. |
Folder Organizer | This utility for power users installs an icon in the tray from which you can open or explore the system folders, clear at any time, or automatically when then Windows session ends certain folders and change the screen mode. |
Fix End-Of-Line | FixEOL is a simple utility to fix the end-of-line characters of text files (Do not use it with binary files!!!). |
RenJPEG | RenJPEG is a small utility to rename JPEG pictures. It can extract from inside the picture some information, including when it was taken, which can be used in the new names. |
TeX organizer | TeX Organizer is a simple utility to organize the use under Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 of a group of DOS and/or Windows programs that are to be applied to a single file or to a group or related files. The best example (but not the only) is provided by TeX. |
Touch utility | Touch is a simple utility to update the different date and time stamps of a single file or of a group of files. |
Console utilities for Win32
Name | Description |
Count | Count bytes, characters, letters, vowels, consonants, words, lines sentences, words per sentence and letters per word. |
Cpy | Copy and updates files. Enhanced xcopy command. |
Cut | Extract some columns, rows, fields or bytes from a file. |
Detab | Substitute spaces for Tabs. |
Entab | Substitute Tabs for spaces. |
FileComp | Compare lines from files. |
Head | Dump the first few lines or characters of a file. |
Paste | Merge lines from different files. |
Sort | Enhanced sort and merge utility. |
Tail | Dump the last few lines or characters of a file. |
Trail | Fix end of lines. |
Uniq | Delete repeated lines. |
Name | Description |
Birdy | Birdy (v1.01) is a typing automation utility that is activated using the middle-mouse button. You can use Birdy to type-in frequently used phrases or account codes etc. You can even start other applications! |
IdeUpdate | Download, extract and install Sophos Antivirus ide files from the internet. Auto detects install folder, unzips and restarts the Sweep service. Includes support for a proxy server. Microsoft .net(1.1) console application. |
TpgPrint | Programma voor het bedrukken van “TPG Verzenddocumenten”. Kan de adres gegevens eventueel opzoeken in een opgegeven gescheiden tekst bestand (tab, comma, puntcomma, ed.). |
SetLocale | Preset the input-locale and keyboard-layout to the language you specify. Use in login scripts to preset the locale (language). |
RegkeyDT | Shows the date/time when a registry key was last written to (NT/W2K…) |
ExeBlock | Blocks execution of programs based on their file location. Possible to create custom filters. Deny users to execute applications recieved or downloaded from the internet and f#%ck up the system! |
TseInfo | Simple tool for Terminal Server that shows: Username, Servername, Session-id and Client-HostName |
WriteHost | Writes the [trimmed] hostname to any ini-like file you want. Build to write the client's hostname into IBM's Client Access Express 5250 WorkStationId |
TseHost | Compares the Terminal Server Client Hostname with a given filter and returns ERRORLEVEL 1 if they match. Wildcards (*) are allowed for the namefilter. (Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition) |
WriteTseHost | Writes the [trimmed] Terminal Server Client Hostname to any ini-like file you want. Build to write the TSE Client's hostname into IBM's Client Access Express 5250 WorkStationId |
TseCount | Counts the number of open Terminal Server Sessions for the current user and returns this value as an ERRORLEVEL. This utility can be used to limit the number of TSE sessions a user can start. (Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition) |
SafeLock | Displays the message text given at commandprompt and logs-off user the hard way (Win9x). Warning: no futher command line options; run it and be logged off. |
NetDial | Enable all your Windows users on the network to quickly dial telephone numbers from any application (including webpages and DOS applications) using one central modem. Remove security sensitive modems from your client PC's and even give them exta functionality! The client application resides in the systemtray and is able to access number on clipboard or in selected text. The server application is normal win32 application (no service). Possible to block/allow specific numbers using filters and NT user groups. Version 1.0 |
MsProxy | Enable/Disable Microsoft Proxy 2.0 client from [login]scripts. Win32 application * Version 1.0 * |
Csv2Notes | Converts character seperated files to 'Notes structured text' files. Handy for converting contact information from all kinds of programs to Lotus Notes contact information. (Windows 9x/NT) |
AclMgr | Utility to edit the ACL of a Lotus Notes db where only the server has access to. Sign the primary agent with the server id, copy this db to the server and drop an ACL edit command into the this db. |
Hardware | System inventory guard that creates an inventory of the system the program runs on. This inventory includes CPU, speed/type, Memory, Hdd brand/type, installed software, mapped drives etc. (Win 9x, requires SMARTDRV.VXD) |
SetNumLock | Sets the NumLock key to on at Windows NT; the Windows NT reghack to turn NumLock on at login doesn't seem to work on WBT's. |
SyncDir | Synchronize directories, optional to delete orphans. Compare files using date/time or existance only. Command line util only (no GUI) |
User | Lets you perform choices upon username in Windows 95/98 scripts. |
NetSend | Send network pop-up messages from the command prompt in Windows 95/95 |
DiskImg | Create/restore disk images from 1.44 Mb disks. Handy utility to create DOS boot disks quickly from your master image. Futher, with this utility you are able to duplicate Apple Macintosh disks on a PC! - MS-DOS utility, Windows compatible. |
TestCom | MS-DOS only, check/retrieve current com-port IRQ settings. |
Hard-RST | MS-DOS, hardware reset printers on LPT1 or LPT2 |
KeyIn | MS-DOS, put up to 15 keys in the keyboard buffer; push keys to be typed in. |
mmf | MMF, was written to inject files/folders from a managed source folder into the users Desktop or Start menu. Files in the source folder may be protected by ACL's; the are simply removed from the target folder if such an ACL results in an access denied. |
Name | Description |
MiTeC Portable Executable Reader | Delphi class and contains complete interface for reading for OS/2, NE, PE32, PE32+ and VxD file types |
MiTeC Outlook Express Reader | Delphi class that contains complete interface for reading Outlook Express message databases |
MiTeC EXIF Reader | Delphi class and contains complete interface for reading TIFF 6.0, EXIF, Interop and MakerNote tags stored in image files |
MiTeC MDI ButtonGroup | VCL component for MDI children control with no affection of MDI child source |
Database Tools:
Name | Description |
Interbase Query | This tool allows to completely manage any Interbase 6+/Firebird 1.5+ database |
MSA Query | This tool allows to completely manage any MS Access database |
ADO Query | This tool allows to completely manage any database supported by Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects technology |
Paradox Data Editor | This is viewer and editor for Paradox tables. It has password protection removing and fix & repair ability. It uses BDE |
Name | Description |
MiTeC System Information X | This application provides complex system information about your computer software and hardware environment |
Windows Registry Recovery | This application allows to read files containing Windows registry hives and dig out config information |
Windows File Analyzer | This application decodes and analyzes some special files used by Windows OS. In these files is interesting information for forensic analysis |
EXE Explorer | Executable File Explorer for OS/2, NE, PE32, PE32+ and VxD file types |
DirList | Tool for directory listing creation |
Network Meter | This application scans for network interfaces and adapters installed in system and their monitoring. Detailed info for every interface is provided |
Network Scanner | This application scans for network neighborhood or performs ping sweep to get network overview. For every device many properties are detected including OS, domain, logged user etc. It allows to browse device shares, services and scans for opened ports for detected device. For SNMP capable devices displays basic properties and list of available interfaces. As added value it has printing and editing capabilities. |
DFM Editor | Standalone editor for Delphi Form files (*.dfm) in both binary and text format |
HexEdit | Powerfull multiple files hexadecimal editor with Data Inspector, Calculator, File Compare, Memory Dumper and Disk Dumper (NT only) |
PhotoView | Image viewer with thumbnail band for fast navigation. Provides EXIF information, RGB/I histogram and some basic image processing tools |
Structured Storage Viewer | This tool allows completely manage any MS OLE Structured Storage based file. It supports Codec plugins |
Icon Explorer | Application for browsing, searching, extracting and managing icons files and libraries |
Mail Viewer | Viewer for Outlook Express, Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird message databases as well as single EML files. |
InfoDesk | Versatile tool for programmers as well as for ordinary users. It contains many useful modules making life easier and work faster |
Mail Checker | Not only watcher dog of your e-mail boxes but also thin, fast and portable e-mail client |
VisualWget grafische frontend voor wget
Tom's eTextReader
PopTools is a versatile add-in for PC versions of Microsoft Excel (97, 2000 or XP) that facilitates analysis of matrix population models and simulation of stochastic processes. It was originally written to analyse ecological models, but has much broader application.
ASAP Utilities
HFS - Http File Server
SteelBytes - FileCompare Compares two folders of files in binary (recursive) to see if they are identical.
SpaceMonger - v1.4.0 is Freeware.
Folder Size (Meld bestanden niet die groter zijn dan 2 GB).
Folder Size
DIRMS en BUZZSAW - defragmentatie programma's
Foxit Reader
DriveImage XML
Image and Backup logical Drives and Partitions
XP Recovery Console: Not Just for XP (or Recovery)
Voor het aanmaken van mappings
Visual Subst - virtual drives in effect
Visual Subst is a small tool which allows you to associate the most accessed directories with virtual drives. It uses the same API like console 'subst' utility, but makes it easier to create and remove virtual drives in a GUI way.
Network Drive Mapper
A Simple to use, Easy, and effective Network Drive Mapper. All your favorite mapped drives are saved in a DAT file,
for you to easily transport mapped drive settings to multiple computers. Entries in the list can be easily mapped and unmapped with a press of a button.
• Easily add multiple map drive entries.
• Easily map all, or just selected entries in the list.
• Double click a map entry to edit it.
• Use the -c startup switch to connect to all entries then exit.
• Use the -d startup switch to disconnect all map entries then exit.
• DAT file is encrypted to help prevent your passwords from being compromised.
• Extremely small executable size, 188kb.
Virtual Dimension
a free, fast, and feature-full virtual desktop manager for Windows platform.
Desktop Manager
a virtual desktop program and Windows shell.
MultiDesktop Manager
MultiDesktop Manager is a desktop manager program which allows you to create multiple desktops and switch between them. MultiDesktop Manager will run only on Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 or later.
VirtuaWin - The Virtual Desktop Manager
a virtual window manager for Win9x/ME/NT/Win2K/XP.
You run lots of programms at the same time and you have lost control about every process? This tool can help you by emulating 10 desktops! In each desktop you will only see the programms started in this desktop.
Kaboodle is a free, open-source Internet app which provides:
Complete visualization of your LAN, updated in near-real time.
A point-and-click interface to take remote-control of what it finds.
A “personal VPN” capability to securely connect Kaboodle-enabled LANs together across the Internet.
File transfer, continous network monitoring, and more.
and Kaboodle is optimized for easy use; no TCP/IP expertise required!
(though it doesn't hurt…)
ZABBIX offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualisation features today which are missing in other monitoring systems, even some of the best commercial ones.
If you use ZABBIX in a commercial context such that you profit by its use, I ask that you further the development of ZABBIX by purchasing some level of support.
SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a free multi-threaded IP, NetBIOS and SNMP scanner with a modern interface and several advanced features. It is intended for both system administrators and users who are interested in computer security. The program pings computers, scans for listening TCP ports and shows what types of resources are shared on a network (including system and hidden).
In addition, it allows you to mount shared resources as network drives, browse them using Windows Explorer, filter the results list and more. SoftPerfect Network Scanner can also check for a user-defined port and report if it is found open, resolve host names and auto-detect your local IP range.
Free tools van Foundstone (onderdeel van McAfee)
Nmap is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source (license).
Mac MakeUp - MAC Address spoofing tool
You CANNOT use this program if
- you intend to break into other people's networks
- you use it to access information you are not entitled to view
- you are a terrorist of any kind
- you don't know what you're doing, as you can disrupt network operations
CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it.
In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file.
CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons)
Wireshark network protocol analyzer.
Network Commander
Network Notepad is a Freeware program for creating interactive network diagrams.
Ophcrack Op Linux gebaseerde LiveCD beschikbaar.
Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. General features of this product:
Accounts information import:
Passwords recovery:
Brute force session distribution:
Hashes computing:
SID&User program is SID and user names getting tool for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. General features of this product:
Unattended This is a system for fully automating the installation of Windows 2000 Professional and Server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Automated Network Installations
"PC-Cloning" forumtopic ts is terrap
LanSweeper (.NET)
System Spec
Unknown Devices helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are.
Laatste pci update,Craig's PCI Programs
Merlin's PCI Hardware Sniffer
x86test - bootable CPU identification
Process Controller net als de BeOS versie!
More portable apps! (Score:5, Informative)
by Mr_Whoopass (164559) on Wednesday January 04, @01:09PM (#14393600)
There are a lot more applications that work from a USB key that don't advertise that fact. I will share with you what I currently use on my 1gb USB key and the locations you can download them. Most of these are freeware or relatively cheap shareware. Please help the authors continue their work if you use any of these and make a small donation at their sites if available.
Audacity - []
This one will run from your key, but it does write to the registry which portable apps should not do. Then again, they don't advertise this as a portable app. Once you use it on a machine and configure it, it will remember your settings on that machine of course. Handy if you are locked down at work from installing software but you need it occasionally.
Bulk Rename Utility - e_Intro.php []
a utility which allows the rapid renaming of files and folders, based upon flexible selection criteria. Download the zip version for portability.
FeedReader - []
This project is currently dead, but it works from USB wonderfully.
FoxitReader - []
A PDF reader that works very quickly (kind of like Adobe used to about 6 years ago).
Miranda - []
A powerful and flexible multiprotocol IM client with loads of plugins. Download the zip version for portability.
Everyones favorite IRC app. Has always been portable.
Portable FileZilla is the popular FileZilla FTP client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your server list and settings with you.
PortableFirefox - []
Portable Firefox is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser packaged as a portable app, so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you.
PortableNVU - []
Portable NVU is the easy-to-use NVU web editor packaged as a portable app, so you can edit your website on the go.
PortableOpenOffice - []
Portable is the popular office suite – including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database – packaged as a portable app
PortableSunbird - []
Portable Sunbird is the handy Mozilla Sunbird calendar and task manager packaged as a portable app, so you can take your calendar and to do list with you.
PortableThunderbird - []
Portable Thunderbird is the popular Mozilla Thunderbird email client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your email, address book and account settings with you.
Snippy - []
Snippy is a small utility that captures an area of your screen to your clipboard to paste into other applications.
AleJenJes Countdown Timer - []
It is a simple countdown timer where you enter the starting time in hours, minutes & seconds and it counts down to zero. Not needed often, but handy as can be for those few instances you do need one.
Unit Conversion Utility - ro.html []
Unit Conversion Utility is a utility which allows the easy conversion between a variety of metric and imperial units. Over 240 different conversions are available - 480 if you remember that conversions are two-way! Download the zip version for portability.
uTorrent - []
Torrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. It was designed to use as little cpu, memory and space as possible while offering all the functionality expected from advanced clients.
WinAmp - []
I am not sure just how portable this is and I suspect it may write registry hooks and place folders or files elsewhere on your computer. It does however function when you copy the program directory onto your key and then plug into a different machine without WinAmp installed.
XnView - []
Free software to view and convert graphic files. Supports more than 400 graphics formats. Highly customizable options. I kicked ACDSee off all my machines in lieu of this application.
Now if somebody could link me up with a tiny footprint version of Linux to throw on my key, I would be set!
ITS4: Software Security Tool scant C en C++ code voor mogelijke beveiligings gaten.
(Java nodig)
Rss Bandit (vereist .NET)
Periodic Table v2.8.0
Application containing all the elements of the Periodic Table along with images of the elements in their natural state, as well as lots of other information and interactive displays.
BlackBox voor Windows
Overzicht van een aantal programma's:
FSYNC synchronizes the contents of two directories. It's a command line utility for Win32 platforms (starting from Win95).
TreeComp - gratis voor niet-commercieel gebruik
myEasySync is a small program to synchronize two folders. At startup you will see a dialog where you can select two folders and some settings. The settings will be saved in a shortcut on your desktop, so you can easily perform certain backup tasks.
(Synchroniseert geen verwijderde/hernoemde bestanden.)
“SyncBack” is Freeware. This program is free for personal, educational, charity, government, and commercial use and has been available since 2003.
File Synchronizer 2.0
(Synchroniseert geen verwijderde/hernoemde bestanden.)
Requires Microsoft .Net framework 1.1
Analyzes two folders and compares the differences. Great for synchronizing large collections of media files such as MP3s, Videos, Etc. without copying every file. Save time by only copying the files that are new or different. Version 2 adds “Clone Mode” to synchronize a folder to match a master folder.
SyncToy v1.1
Requires Microsoft .Net framework 1.1
(Synchroniseert wel verwijderde en hernoemde bestanden.)
a freeware utility that let you periodically synchronize two or more folders in a LAN.
JkDefrag, inmiddels vervangen door MyDefrag
O&O Defrag 2000 Freeware Edition 3.5.562, o.a hier te downloaden.
System Scheduler
AkelPad Editor
Crimson Editor
Steganos LockNote (GPL-licentie)
Paddy (notepad met extra's)
Programmer's File Editor
Programmer’s Notepad
TED Notepad
BareTail A free real-time log file monitoring tool
BareGrep A free file finding and text searching tool
Easy Unit Converter
MPlayer frontend for Windows
SpeQ Mathematics SpeQ is a small, extensive mathematics program with a simple, intuitive interface. All calculations are entered in a sheet. In there you can freely add, edit and execute all calculations. You can define variables and functions, and plot graphs of your functions. You can save your calculations for later re-use.
Agent Ransack Freeware 'lite' version of the professional file searching software FileLocator Pro.
Harddisk Search & Stats Harddisk Search & Stats is a very powerful text-Search Engine for your harddisk which is free for commercial, non-commercial and personal use. It enables you to conveniently search large numbers of text/ascii-based files simultaneously.
CDRTools for windows
CDBurnerXP Pro
Free Pascal
ERUNT (bevat ook NTREGOPT, registry optimizer, die ook los verkrijgbaar is)
A simple tool to extract .iso images from your cd or dvd disk.
Voor het maken van slipstreamed Win2K/XP/2003 cd's.
of via:
Voor transparant maken vensters en always on top.
Notities maken/organiseren, opvolger DaRT Notes
DaRT Notes
Notities maken/organiseren, voorouder van Keynote.
OCR Software
Task Plus (PIM pakket)
Monitor Test Screens
PowerPro gives you a compact and powerful launch bar, menu, and tray icon facility. But this is just the start. With a little experimenting with its configuration, you'll find that you can use PowerPro to change the way you work with your system.
Multimon taskbar A secondary taskbar which will be put on extended monitor.
The Wonderful Icon The Wonderful Icon 2.2 is a small Windows utility that resides in your PC's taskbar tray. Try it and you'll be hooked!
Switch Off is a tiny easy-to-use tray-based system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations like shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, lock workstation, etc. It also provides fast access to this operations through system tray icon. Utility has fully customizeable Web interface, that allows you to initiate operations mentioned above remotely from any computer with web browser installed. Web interface includes WAP support, so you can control your computer from mobile phone. This utility is intended to be used by either novice or professional user, because of its intuitive interface and professional features.
Free Download Manager
FeedReader RSS en ATOM aggregator
GNU utilities for Win32
Handy Recovery
EText Reader
RunFast is a free program launcher/command tool that allows you to quickly launch programs, files, folders, websites and more.
Hex Editor XVI32
HiJackFree a-squared HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool which helps advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers, Spyware, Adware, Trojans and Worms.
Startup Control Panel Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts.
WebCleaner - a filtering HTTP proxy
MWSnap - screen capture utility
IPCheck Server Monitor
Disktective Freeware disk-space reporting program for Windows
Secure Copy
Total Copy kopieer tool.
AutoIt scripting taal.
SetACL - Windows permission management SetACL is a set of routines for managing Windows permissions (ACLs) from the command line, from scripts and from programs. These routines can be used from various container or interface programs. Currently there exist a command line version to be used in batch files or scripts and an ActiveX control (SetACL.ocx) which can be used from any COM-enabled language (VB, WSH scripts, …).
Big Sister - network monitor
MD5summer - windows MD5 sum generator
HTTrack website copier
Unlocker 'Unlocked' folders/files die in eerste instantie niet verwijderd willen worden.
Zope Zope is an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals, and custom applications.
Workrave (anti-RSI)
Carta (recepten programma)
LB's free software for win9x/NT
Veel (links naar) freeware apps voor windows, palm en MacOSX
myPicSaver en myEasySync(doesnotsyncdeletions) home van speex en ogg.
GSpot codec information appliance