SiliconBunny is a help site for users of computers made by Silicon Graphics, and SGI’s IRIX operating system.
Indigo2 High Impact startup resolution is too high!
Remotely installing SGI IRIX 6.5 from a GNU/Linux server (dead link)
IRIX 7.0 - Silicon Graphics Technical Document Archive
Minimal Solaris - Nekoware build system for IRIX GitHub - alhazred/nekoware-build Nekoware build system for SGI IRIX 6.5.
History of IRIX by Ryan Thoryk
SiliconBunny - Irix Security Howto
Securing IRIX 6.5 John C. Haprian August 20, 2001
GitHub - unxmaal/booterizer is designed to quickly configure a Raspberry Pi or a disposable VM to boot a specific version of the SGI IRIX installer over the network on an SGI machine without a whole lot of fuss.
GitHub - allahan-44/booterizer This is a hard fork of booterizer that supports Irix 5.3 only. Due to significant differences in the distribution for 5.3 and later versions, it does not support Irix 6.5.22 or 6.5.30.
GitHub - halfmanhalftaco/irixboot is designed to quickly configure a disposable VM to boot a specific version of the SGI IRIX installer over the network on an SGI machine without a whole lot of fuss.
DINA - deBugs IRIX Netboot Appliance.
Found via The Syncing Apple - SGI Land