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Wise Package Studio for Newbies zie ook de PDF Message Boards - Newbie Question: Run External Apps within MSI
Wijs Repackagen, Eric Gabreëls
InstallSite: Windows Installer Merge Modules


2way Technology - Software Installation Using Group Policy Startup Scripts - Wise Package Studio - Using SetupCapture Wisely


File associaties

Als je voor een project onder File Associations een bestandsextensie hebt toegevoegd, zorg er dan voor dat deze niet meer voorkomt onder de HKCU registry key. Dit om problemen na deployment te voorkomen.
Bron:Symantec Connect - File Association

Rechten op folders

Zorg bij het uitdelen van (extra) rechten op folders via Wise Package Studio 7 ervoor dat je alle andere rechten die de folder moet hebben ook opgeeft, dus ook Administrators/SYSTEM etc. Bij installatie worden namelijk alle rechten verwijderd en alleen de opgegeven rechten op de folder gezet.

Voor het toevoegen van Authenticated Users met Modify rechten aan een folder onder Program Files bijvoorbeeld moeten de volgende rechten toegekend worden:


“By default, INSTALLDIR is set to the first directory you create under the Program Files folder on the Files or Web Files page.” -Source: F1 Help.

To change this to another directory do the following:

  1. Go to Setup Editor.
  2. Go to the Tables tab.
  3. Scroll down to the line with INSTALLDIR in the Directory column.
  4. Modify the DefaultDir field of that line.

Internal Error 2715

When you try to install an MSI that was just compiled and you receive “Internal Error 2715” then this could mean that a (manually added) file didn't end up in the compiled MSI.
Seen once after adding a VBScript where the “Source path file” turned into ..\..\..\Directory\name.vbs. After placing the vbs closer to the original source files (..\name.vbs) the error 2715 message went away. Maybe Wise Package Studio 7.0 SP3 doesn't like going back more than 2 directories from the current directory to pick up a file?

Package drivers

  1. Download the latest Windows Driver Kit (7.1.0 at the time of this writing). You'll need this for the DIFxApp merge module.
  2. Install the WDK with at least the Tools option.
  3. Copy the correct merge module from the matching architecture directory under c:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\redist\DIFx\DIFxApp\MergeModule\ to your merge module directory or the MSI project directory.
  4. Start Wise Package Studio and from it the Windows Installer Editor.
  5. Ga to the File menu and click on New. Select Windows Application from Predefined Templates and click on OK.
  6. Go to Product Details and fill in the fields.
  7. Go to Merge Modules and add the DIFxApp.msm you copied from the WDK. Don't change anything on the Merge Module File Directory wizard page.
  8. Place the driver files (sys, inf, dll, etc.) in a unique directory below Destination Computer.
  9. Go to Setup Editor.
  10. Go to the Tables tab.
  11. Open the Component table and copy the name of the inf file to the clipboard.
  12. Open the MsiDriverPackages table.
  13. Rightclick on the table and click on New and then Row. Click OK at the warning. Paste the name of the inf file in the Component field. Set Flags to 0 and clear the value of the Sequence field.
  14. Save the project and compile.

Source: DIFxApp.doc, originally with the Driver Installation Tools 2.01

Add calling a VBScript to the install process

  1. Ga to MSI Script.
  2. Leave Installation Mode on Normal Installation and go to the Execute Deferred tab.
  3. Select the line REM Determine which patches to apply, and then perform the byte-wise patching of files. and doubleclick on Call VBScript From Installed Files in the lefthand side of the window.
  4. Fill in:
    1. Custom Action Name: enter a name
    2. Script File: browse to and select the file from Destination Computer.
  5. Go to the Properties tab.
  6. Fill in:
    1. In-Script Options: Deferred Execution – System Context
    2. Processing: Synchronous
  7. Go to the Description tab and provide a description.
  8. Click on OK.
  9. Select the line you just added (Call VBScript (…)) and doubleclick on If Statement on the lefthand side of the window.
  10. Fill in:
    1. Not Installed
  11. Click on OK.
  12. Select the line REM Determine which patches to apply, and then perform the byte-wise patching of files. and doubleclick on End Statement in the lefthand side of the window.
  13. Done.

The end result should look like the following: