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Applications - Network Monitoring - Zabbix - Notes

Testing Actions

In short:

  1. Create a test item holding text.
  2. Create a trigger to do a diff() on the text in the test item.
  3. Connect your action to the trigger.
  4. Use zabbix_sender from the Zabbix server (or another system) to set values.

For details: Ryan Armstrong's Blog - Testing Zabbix actions

Send HTML e-mails

By default Zabbix sends plaintext e-mails and has no builtin options to send HTML mail.
See: ZBXNEXT-517 - Mail text as plain/HTML, only on demand

To be able te send HTML e-mail an external script is needed.
Several options exist:

Upload map images

  1. Go to Administration.
  2. Go to General.
  3. Set the Filter to “Images”.
  4. Click on “Create Image”.
  5. Provide a name for the image.
  6. Set the type to “Background”.
  7. Browse to the file to use.
  8. Click on Save.

Source: Zabbix Forums - No Background images MAP - zabbix 1.8.2

applications/networkmonitor/zabbix/notes.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/22 12:08 by bas

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