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Applications - Silent Install - Prezi Desktop

Tested with Prezi Desktop version and WiX 3.11 RC.

  1. Download the last PreziDesktop_<version>.exe from Prezi Desktop.
  2. Download the last wix<version> from WiX Toolset.
  3. Extract the WiX zip file.
  4. Open a command prompt in the extraced WiX directory.
  5. Use dark.exe on the PreziDesktop_version.exe:
    dark.exe -x ExtractDir PreziDesktop_version.exe
    1. This will extract the .exe to the directory ExtractDir.
    2. You will find the MSI inExtractDir\AttachedContainer.
  6. Make sure the correct version of the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Redistributable is already installed.
    1. The correct version is also in ExtractDir\AttachedContainer.
  7. Make sure the correct version of the .NET Framework is already installed.
    1. The correct version can be obtained by extracting PreziDesktop_version.exe with:
      PreziDesktop_version.exe -layout
    2. This will extract the .NET Framework installer to the “redist” directory.
  8. Install the MSI with something like:
    "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i PreziDesktop.msi /qb!  /norestart /L* c:\install\prezi_desktop-install.txt
    1. This will install the MSI :
      1. Silently with display of progress (/qb).
      2. Without option to cancel (!).
      3. Without restart (/norestart).
      4. Log the installation messages to prezi_dekstop-install.txt (/L* c:\install\prezi_desktop-install.txt).


applications/silentinstall/prezidesktop.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/14 18:19 by bas

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