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Microsoft - Scripting - Batch Files - Allow user to stop and start service

Tested on Windows Server 2016.

  1. Open an elevated command prompt.
  2. Check the current SDDL on the service:
    "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\sc.exe" sdshow "Spooler"
  3. Output should look like:
  4. Use PowerShell to get the SID of the account that should be able to stop/start the service:
    1. For an Active Directory account:
      Get-ADUser service_account -Properties objectSid | Select-Object objectSid
    2. For a local account:
      Get-LocalUser service_account | Select-Object Name,SID
  5. Add the SID of the Active Directory account at the end of the D:-part of the SDDL of the service with LC (query status), RP (start), WP (stop), and DT (pause/continue) permissions:
  6. Apply the new SDDL to the service:


  1. serverfault - how to set permissions on a service This suggests to use RPWPDTLO as permission set, but I found that with LO I could start the service from a cmd.exe running as the service account, but got an access denied when trying to start the service from a batch file running in a scheduled task under the service account. Using LCRPWPDT seems to fix this.
microsoft/scripting/batchfiles/allowusertostopandstartservice.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/22 11:02 by bas

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