Microsoft - Scripting - Batchfiles - Scripts - RDLogOffAllUsers.cmd
REM RDLogOffAllUsers.cmd REM Logs off all users from a Remote Desktop host. REM Based on REM 2017-12-11, v1. REM Use output of 'query session'. REM Skip the first 3 lines (header and the services and console lines). REM Store colums 2 and 3. REM Logoff the disconnected sessions (where column 3 (%%j) = Disc). REM Logoff the active sessions (where column 3 is not Disc but a number, REM and column 3 is not Listen). for /f "skip=3 tokens=2,3," %%i in ('"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\query.exe" session') DO ( IF "%%j" EQU "Disc" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\logoff.exe" %%i IF NOT "%%j" EQU "Disc" IF NOT "%%j" EQU "Listen" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\logoff.exe" %%j )
microsoft/scripting/batchfiles/scripts/rdlogoffallusers.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/11 13:28 by bas