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VMware - Notes



Set the NIC to be an e1000 adapter for a VM via the VMX config file

Add/change the following line, where ethernet0 is the first vNIC, ethernet1 the second, and so on:


Source:vmug forum - ethernet0.virtualDev="e1000"

"VMware image customization is in progress..." at every boot

At every boot of a Windows VM it says “VMware image customization is in progress…”.

Solution: Edit the registry to remove sysprepDecrypter.exe from the BootExecute REG_MULTI_SZ under “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager”.

Source: Dustin Potts - VMware image customization is in progress … at every reboot

Allow SSH access with public/private key authentication

VMware - VMware vSphere Blog - Enabling Password Free SSH Access on ESXi 5.0
VMware Knowledge Base - Allowing SSH access to ESXi/ESX hosts with public/private key authentication (1002866)

Tested with ESXi 6.0: This also works for another account created on the ESXi host by using /etc/ssh/keys-<username>/authorized_keys.

vmware/notes.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/06 21:51 by bas

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