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Unreal Redux is a fan made project to remake the game Unreal which was released in the year 1998. This remake will stay close to the original game but will be enhanced with new features. This remake is based and runs on Unreal Engine 1 which is extremely enhanced by the new oldunreal’s 227 patch. Therefore, the remake is able to catch the flair and atmosphere of the original Unreal while beeing improved with new visual effects and gameplay mechanics.


oldUnreal for Unreal patches after the last official patches.

Maps is a site devoted to the creation, sharing and discussion of Unreal 1 maps.
UnrealSP.Org “The premier Unreal single player site”

Unreal Tournament


Patches provides version 4.40 and 4.51 patches.
An enhanced OpenGL renderer for Unreal Tournament - Unreal engine Direct3D 10 renderer

The OpenUT Project was formed to develop libraries, executables, and tools relevant to the Unreal Tournament engine. The project focuses on improving the quality of the UT Linux port through open source development, and aims to create a community to help support and develop UT for the platform.

GitHub - alexstrout/foxWSFix-UT99 Improved widescreen support for Unreal Tournament 1999.


Unreal Textures voor Unreal en Unreal Tournament.




Found by searching “unreal tournament” on GitHub.

carlio/ut-server-setup scripts and info for getting Unreal Tournament GOTY or 2004 servers running.
alanjjenkins/archlinux-package-ut2004-steam An AUR package for installing the native Linux version of Unreal Tournament from the Windows version in Steam using steamcmd.
FaultyRAM/Ut99PubSrc The Unreal Tournament v432 public source distribution, fixed for modern compilers.
stephank/surreal Reviving the original Unreal Tournament on modern systems.
GreatEmerald/UT3Weapons Unreal Tournament 3 weapons backported to Unreal Tournament 2004; cloned from Gitorious
infertux/ut2004-linux FAQ for running Unreal Tournament 2004 under Linux
moceap/ut Unreal Tournament Runner On Fedora

Docker files

For running ut99 with Docker.

adm1nx/docker-ut99 Unreal Tournament 99 server as a Docker container.
mgrenier/ut-server Dockerized Unreal Tournament (1999) server
zedr/docker-unreal-tournament-99 A Docker image for running Unreal Tournament 1999 in Wine.

games/unreal.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/09 01:28 by bas