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Hardware - Audio - Sennheiser - GSX 1000 / GSX 1200 PRO

Sennheiser GSX 1000 Audio Amplifier for PC and Mac
Sennheiser GSX 1200 PRO Audio Amplifier for PC and Mac

See Sennheiser - Gaming Downloads for firmware updates for the GSX series under Firmware Update Tool under Surround Dongle Downloads.






With PulseAudio enabled

Tested to work on Slackware64 14.2.

To enable the GSX to work with PulseAudio do the following:

  1. Use the following command to get the card number assigned to the GSX:
    aplay -l | grep GSX
  2. Example output:
    card 3: Audio [GSX 1200 Pro Main Audio], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
    card 3: Audio [GSX 1200 Pro Main Audio], device 1: USB Audio [USB Audio #1]

    In this case the number is (card) 3.

  3. Archive the current
    cp -p /etc/pulse/{,.original}
  4. Open /etc/ in a text editor.
  5. Find the lines:
     ### Automatically load driver modules depending on the hardware available
  6. Add the following lines BEFORE those lines:
    # capture device, card 4, subdevice 0.
    load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:3,0
    # playback device, card 4, subdevice 1, 7.1 channels.
    load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:3,1 channels=8

    Change the 3 in hw:3,0 and hw:3,1 to the card number shown in the output of the aplay -l shown earlier.

With this setup using the volume dial on the GSX will result in audio being muted instead of adjusting volume, so leave the dial alone.

Source: GitHubGist - augustocdias/

With PulseAudio disabled

Tested to work on Slackware64 14.2 (with latest patches as of 2018-11-02).

:!: This assumes the steps described on SlackDocs - howtos » multimedia » pulseaudio_non-default were followed to disable and *not* remove PulseAudio. :!:

The following ~/.asoundrc content works to enable a GSX 1200 Pro as the primary audio device with 7.1 (8-channel) audio and direct mixing (dmix) so multiple applications can play sound on the GSX. It also results in a working volume dial on the GSX.

pcm.!default {
	type plug
	slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dmixer  {
 	type dmix
 	ipc_key 1024
 	slave {
		pcm "gsx1200pro"
		period_time 0
		period_size 1024
		buffer_size 4096
		rate 44100

pcm.gsx1200pro {
	type hw
	card Audio
	device 1
	channels 8

ctl.dmixer {
	type hw
	card 1

Based on an example taken from the Software Mixing dmix example on AlsaProject - Asoundrc.

This also produces correct output for speaker-test.

Speaker-test command:

speaker-test -c 8 -t wav -l 1


speaker-test 1.1.1

Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 8 channels
WAV file(s)
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 2229 to 4458
Period size range from 1114 to 1115
Using max buffer size 4456
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 1114
was set buffer_size = 4458
 0 - Front Left
 6 - Front Left Center
 2 - Front Center
 7 - Front Right Center
 1 - Front Right
 5 - Side Right
 4 - Side Left
 3 - LFE
Time per period = 11.318586

The following .asoundrc content works to make the GSX 1200 Pro the default audio device, but speaker-test will only play the sound for Front Left and Front Right speakers, speaker 2-7 are shown as Unused.

defaults.pcm.!card Audio
defaults.pcm.!device 1
defaults.pcm.!ctl Audio
defaults.pcm.!channels 8

Based on an example taken from Gentoo Wiki - ALSA - Configuration - ~/.asoundrc.

hardware/audio/soundcards/sennheiser/gsx.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/03 02:21 by bas